10 while N<10000
20 N=nxtprm(N)
30 Ct=Ct+1
40 if N>1000 and Flag=0 then First=Ct:Flag=1
50 if N<10000 then Last=Ct
90 wend
100 print First,Last
105 Ct=0
110 for I=First to Last-2
120 for J=I+1 to Last-1
130 Trial=prm(I)+2*(prm(J)-prm(I))
140 if Trial>prm(Last) then cancel for:goto 190
150 if prmdiv(Trial)=Trial then gosub *TestEm
160 next
190 next
200 print Ct
205 close
210 end
500 *TestEm
510 A=cutspc(str(prm(I))):B=cutspc(str(prm(J))):C=cutspc(str(Trial))
610 H=A
620 Good=1
630 for K=1 to len(A)
640 Ix=instr(H,mid(B,K,1)):if Ix=0 then Good=0:cancel for:goto 799
650 H=left(H,Ix-1)+mid(H,Ix+1)
655 next
660 H=C
670 for K=1 to len(C)
680 Ix=instr(H,mid(B,K,1)):if Ix=0 then Good=0:cancel for:goto 799
690 H=left(H,Ix-1)+mid(H,Ix+1)
695 next
700 print A,B,C
799 return
fails to find any such triplet. It finds 42983 triplets, none of which are triple anagrams.
Modifications find instances where the first two of an arithmetic-progression-prime triplet are anagrams, and others where the second and third are anagrams, but none of the triplets are on both lists. So I don't think triplets exist satisfying the criteria.
The lists (only a pair of anagrams per triplet):
second and third are anagrams:
1087 5119 9151
1103 4073 7043
1171 3457 5743
1201 5179 9157
1237 5197 9157
1277 3257 5237
1301 5279 9257
1303 4273 7243
1427 5189 8951
1493 4517 7541
1549 2539 3529
1657 2593 3529
1709 4679 7649
1889 3851 5813
1901 4871 7841
1901 5879 9857
1949 2939 3929
1979 2753 3527
2069 3041 4013
2377 2953 3529
2383 4363 6343
2843 5147 7451
2953 3943 4933
2957 3947 4937
2971 4357 5743
3011 5981 8951
3167 4157 5147
3191 5171 7151
3221 5237 7253
3491 5471 7451
3499 5479 7459
3761 4751 5741
3769 4759 5749
4409 6389 8369
4801 6781 8761
4831 6397 7963
4877 5867 6857
5003 6983 8963
5231 7229 9227
5261 7349 9437
5431 7699 9967
5449 7393 9337
5501 7499 9497
5519 7499 9479
5581 6571 7561
5591 7589 9587
5701 7699 9697
5801 7529 9257
6329 7283 8237
6577 8179 9781
6581 7589 8597
7607 8597 9587
first two are anagrams:
1013 3011 5009
1021 2011 3001
1033 3301 5569
1039 3019 4999
1051 5011 8971
1063 3061 5059
1103 3011 4919
1123 2311 3499
1153 3511 5869
1237 3217 5197
1283 3821 6359
1321 2311 3301
1327 2713 4099
1423 2341 3259
1427 2417 3407
1433 3413 5393
1523 2531 3539
1549 4519 7489
1549 4951 8353
1627 2617 3607
1693 3691 5689
1721 2711 3701
1723 2371 3019
1723 2731 3739
1733 3371 5009
1753 3517 5281
1823 2381 2939
1973 3917 5861
2053 5023 7993
2113 3121 4129
2131 3121 4111
2539 3529 4519
2741 4721 6701
2749 4729 6709
2833 3823 4813
2939 3929 4919
2953 5923 8893
3067 6037 9007
3163 6133 9103
3251 5231 7211
3253 5233 7213
3457 5437 7417
3467 6473 9479
3659 5693 7727
3769 6793 9817
3863 6833 9803
3943 4933 5923
3947 4793 5639
3947 4937 5927
3967 6793 9619
4357 5347 6337
4357 5743 7129
4567 6547 8527
4657 5647 6637
4861 6841 8821
4969 6949 8929
5471 7451 9431
5477 7457 9437
5479 7459 9439
6079 7069 8059
6379 7963 9547
7583 8537 9491
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-01-30 14:35:55 |