There are 13 3-letter words listed below. For each of them, insert two letters between any one pair of letters in the word or at the end of the word (but not at the beginning), to form a 5-letter word. The two added letters must be adjacent to each other in the 5-letter word.
When complete, all 26 letters of the alphabet will have been used as fill-ins.
ant dim see
ass eel tie
bay far top
coy mar win
What if the two letters were allowed at the beginning of the word? Try to find a few like that.
(In reply to
Lots of trial & error - resorting to computer help by Sing4TheDay)
Using only a spreadsheet and access to the internet dictionaries, I came up with a list of possible word combinations, then by process of elimination I came up with two solutions. The first, as you presented, and a second -- which included the obsolete [but occasionaly still used] word SELVE (SEE + LV) and the specialized word TITRE (TIE + TR), with all other words in the list the same as in the first list.
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2009-02-05 23:32:00 |