Determine all possible pair(s)
(X, Y) of positive integers that satisfy this equation.
Note: The order of calculation in
XXX is as given in
this article.
5 point 16
10 for T=1 to 1100
20 for X=1 to int(T/2)
30 Y=T-X
40 Lhs=X^X*log(X):Rhs=Y*log(Y)
50 Diff=abs(Lhs-Rhs)
60 if Diff<0.00000000001 then print X;Y
70 next X
80 next T
checks all x and y where x+y totals 1100 or less and finds only (1,1)
The point 16 gives fractions to 77 decimal places.
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-03-18 13:46:28 |