“The Square Root of Wonderful” was the name of play on Broadway.
If each letter in WONDERFUL stands for a different digit (zero excluded) and if OODDF, using the same code, represents the square root, then what is the square root of WONDERFUL?
I believe 'wonderful' represents 523814769, whose square root is 22887.
Maple code below..
for o to 9 do
for d to 9 do
for f to 9 do
ooddf := 11000*o+110*d+f;
wonderful := ooddf^2;
if length(wonderful) = 9 then
S := convert(convert(wonderful, base, 10), set);
if nops(S) = 9 then print(wonderful, ooddf)
fi fi fi od od od
Posted by Harry
on 2009-06-07 14:46:02 |