Dim bd(3, 4)
Dim cons, vowels, usedC(20), usedV(6), usedInWord(3, 4), wordList
Dim noWds4, wordCt, solCt, theWord, continue
Private Sub Command1_Click()
continue = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Visible = True
wordList = ""
cons = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz": vowels = "aeiouy"
Print Len(cons) + Len(vowels)
Open "\words\words4.txt" For Binary As #1
noWds4 = LOF(1) / 4
place 1, 1
Print "done"
End Sub
Function isWord(w)
wd$ = String$(4, " ")
low = 1: high = noWds4
m = Int((low + high) / 2)
Get #1, (m - 1) * 4 + 1, wd$
If w = wd$ Then Exit Do
If wd$ < w Then low = m + 1 Else high = m - 1
Loop Until low > high
If w = wd$ Then isWord = True: theWord = w Else isWord = False
End Function
Sub place(row, col)
If row = 1 Then
bgn = 1
If col = 1 Or col = 3 Then fin = Len(cons) Else fin = Len(vowels)
Select Case col
Case 1, 3
bgn = InStr(cons, bd(row - 1, col)) + 1
fin = Len(cons)
Case Else
bgn = InStr(vowels, bd(row - 1, col)) + 1
fin = Len(vowels)
End Select
End If
For i = bgn To fin
good = 1
If fin = Len(vowels) Then
If usedV(i) = 0 Then ltr = Mid(vowels, i, 1): usedV(i) = -1 Else good = 0
If usedC(i) = 0 Then ltr = Mid(cons, i, 1): usedC(i) = -1 Else good = 0
End If
If good Then
bd(row, col) = ltr
wSave = wordList
wordAdd = 0
If row = 1 Then
If col = 4 Then
If isWord(bd(1, 1) + bd(1, 2) + bd(1, 3) + bd(1, 4)) Then wordAdd = 1
End If
Select Case col
Case 1: b1 = row: e1 = row: b2 = 1: e2 = row - 1: b3 = 1: e3 = row - 1: b4 = 1: e4 = row - 1
Case 2: b1 = 1: e1 = row: b2 = row: e2 = row: b3 = 1: e3 = row - 1: b4 = 1: e4 = row - 1
Case 3: b1 = 1: e1 = row: b2 = 1: e2 = row: b3 = row: e3 = row: b4 = 1: e4 = row - 1
Case 4: b1 = 1: e1 = row: b2 = 1: e2 = row: b3 = 1: e3 = row: b4 = row: e4 = row
End Select
For i1 = b1 To e1
For i2 = b2 To e2
For i3 = b3 To e3
For i4 = b4 To e4
If isWord(bd(i1, 1) + bd(i2, 2) + bd(i3, 3) + bd(i4, 4)) Then
wordAdd = wordAdd + 1
usedInWord(i1, 1) = usedInWord(i1, 1) + 1
usedInWord(i2, 2) = usedInWord(i2, 2) + 1
usedInWord(i3, 3) = usedInWord(i3, 3) + 1
usedInWord(i4, 4) = usedInWord(i4, 4) + 1
wordList = wordList + bd(i1, 1) + bd(i2, 2) + bd(i3, 3) + bd(i4, 4) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
End If
End If ' row 1 vs not 1
wordCt = wordCt + wordAdd
If wordCt <= 3 * row Then
c = col + 1: r = row
If c > 4 Then c = 1: r = r + 1
If r > 3 Then
If wordCt < 9 Then
CurrentX = 1: CurrentY = 1
Text1.Text = ""
For r = 1 To 3
For c = 1 To 4
If usedInWord(r, c) = 0 Then good = 0: Exit For
If good = 0 Then Exit For
If good Then
solCt = solCt + 1
For r = 1 To 3
For c = 1 To 4
Print bd(r, c);
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + bd(r, c)
Next: Print " ": Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
Next: Print solCt; " "
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + wordList + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + Str(wordCt)
Print theWord; " "
continue = 0
Loop Until continue = 1
End If
End If
place r, c
End If
End If
For i1 = b1 To e1
For i2 = b2 To e2
For i3 = b3 To e3
For i4 = b4 To e4
If isWord(bd(i1, 1) + bd(i2, 2) + bd(i3, 3) + bd(i4, 4)) Then
usedInWord(i1, 1) = usedInWord(i1, 1) - 1
usedInWord(i2, 2) = usedInWord(i2, 2) - 1
usedInWord(i3, 3) = usedInWord(i3, 3) - 1
usedInWord(i4, 4) = usedInWord(i4, 4) - 1
End If
wordList = wSave
wordCt = wordCt - wordAdd
If fin = Len(vowels) Then
usedV(i) = 0
usedC(i) = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
shows as the 35th potential solution (I've discarded results relying on obscure words):
It shows 7 formable words, but fuci is obscure, and it's not needed for any of the letters placed in the mauve area, bringing the word count down to 6. In fact we can remove fogy as being obscure bringing the total down to 5, but then we make problematic why we leave bogy, needed for the b.
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-09-02 14:14:20 |