(In reply to
Has anyone noticed... by Charlie)
I had noticed that myself Charlie (in Firefox too), and it did alarm me until I realised in which part of Perplexus it was occurring.
Whilst composing this in the comments editor none of the dots are 'overflowing'.
The largest "x" value I've used is 270, and I generally work on a pixel value for the display area of 500px so it would seem that the JVG format doesn't obey that rule! I'm not sure but that factor may have to do with the DIV tag. I understand that in some formats each pixel must reside within its own separate DIV. It may therefore mean that so this does not occur again the maximum horizontal value should be less than 250.
Now, while the problem area is correct at the moment I do expect that there will be the overflow to which you refer when I post this.
Indeed that did happen, and while doing this edit the last character of the second line falls outside the display area.
Edited on January 20, 2010, 10:10 pm
Posted by brianjn
on 2010-01-20 22:08:06 |