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Chain Gang- a contest and a game (Posted on 2010-05-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Write a four or five letters long valid English word.
From any nth word in the series the next i.e. the (n+1)th word of 4 or 5 letters will be created by reversing the nth word, erasing few letters to leave only 2 letters out of the original word, then inserting new letters (not the erased) to build a new valid 4 or 5 letters word.

Keeping score of the erased letters is essential - one is allowed to erase any out of the 26 letters in the ABC at most three times.
Add 1 point for each added letter.

WORD-DReam-MAsk-SAlt- TAxi - neXT -enVY - YEars - quAY--... etc
Tracing the spent(erased) letters:
bcfghjpqu yz…………3 letters left of each, 2 or 1 of others ("e" & "s")
Abcdfghijklmnopqtuvwxyz ….."e" & "s" missing - only 1 left of each
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz…..all unused
3+2+2+2+2…..= 18 POINTS. Stopped for no reason.
End of Example

More rules:
The string begins with a word "WORD" and terminates due to the lack of a valid word to be created with the still available letters.
No proper names.
Plurals allowed.
When in doubt - don't.
Submit your sequences.
The highest scorer "wins".

If you use it as a friendly parlor game, set a time limit.
Good luck.

See The Solution Submitted by Ady TZIDON    
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Some Thoughts re: A possible solution... kudos- not a spoiler | Comment 2 of 4 |
(In reply to A possible solution... by Dej Mar)


I was more than pleased to see your score ,slightly higher than mine.

 I would like to post it as an official solution , especially because of the minmal quantity of esoteric words (for me the new words were prexy,parry,quire and  IASH - later about this one)

However you used 4 times the letter "S' (fresh,rash,IASH and laws)
while the game allows only three.

The word IASH - if it is an acronym, it is not acceptable: if it is a valid English word (I just could not locate it), please provide the meaning and the source.

Please modify your solution (erasing last word costs you 1 point only),
addressing the IASH issue and may be adding the unused letter(s)
out of your allocation.


By the way, i used the same strategy , around the basic pair IT-
using QUIT, QUITE  and QUIZZ.

Two more questions:
1.What amount of time (grosso modo) was spent on your solution?

2.For a parlor game (2-4 bright participants, aided by  dictionary  for all) , what time limit would you suggest?

  Posted by Ady TZIDON on 2010-05-31 05:23:25
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