The numerals represent letters from the English alphabet, and the title is about the best hint I can give.
203 |
768 |
209 |
695 |
768 |
203 |
602 |
1202 |
812 |
398 |
1202 |
628 |
910 |
1202 |
695 |
910 |
What are the 8 words, 4 across, 4 down?
Well, off of Jer's solution
203 G 209 W 398 L 602 R 628 S
695 N 768 O 812 A 910 T 1202 E
it looks like a reverse letter frequency distribution.
I suspect E shows up 1202 out of 10000 times in somebody's analysis of letter frequency in English language usage, followed by
T (910 times out of 10000)
A (812 times out of 10000)
In other words, more frequently used letters have a larger number and dominate less frequently used letters.