Each of A, B, C and D is a positive integer with the proviso that A ≤ B ≤ C ≤ D ≤ 20.
Determine the total number of quadruplets (A, B, C, D) such that A*B*C*D is divisible by 50.
To lazy to count :
x,20,20,20 20 sol. since x may be any number 1,2,. 20 x,19,20,20 19 more,since x may be any number 1,2,... 19 x,18,20,20 18 more,since x may be any number 1,2,... 18 x,17,20,20 17 more,since x may be any number 1,2,... 17
1,1,20,20 1 more,since x =1 so far 210 sol.
for 15,y,19,20 5 sol for y
for 10,y,19,20 10 sol for y,
for 5,y,19,20 15 sol for y, tot: 30 more
for x,y,18,20 27 more
for x,y,17,20 24 more
for x,y,16,20 21 more
for x,y,15,20 225 more
for x,14,14,20 2 x is 5 or 10
for x,13,14,20 2
for x,12,14,20 2
for x,11,14,20 2
for x,10,14,20 10 x is 1,2,...10
etc etc
Whoever wants to continue is welcome. I am too lazy.
Not too much left anyway...
GENERALIZE, -based on the above
I just hope there are no errors so far.
f0r x,y,18,20 27 more