Arrange all sixteen white pieces and the black king on a standard 8x8 chessboard such that no piece is in check by another piece.
The arrangement must be possible to reach following rules of standard play (though such play would be ludicrous),
with no pawn having reached the eighth row for promotion.
(In reply to
re: Clarification by Dej Mar)
Suppose white advances a central pawn, sufficient to allow his queen to move. Obviously black is playing to sacrifice all but the king (hoping for Stalemate??) so black moves in various silly ways to offer captures, but does not seek either to protect his own or capture or even attack any white. White will quickly detect that plan, so need not worry about defending any piece, but would need to react if his king were placed in check. Eventually black is reduced to his king, and white may have 14 of his men on their original squares. White just moves his queen so that the black king is not attacked, and is not prevented from moving at all (statemate). Now what? If white does not want to win, he might force a draw (e.g. by repetition of moves). I am sure there must be more to this puzzle, but it escapes me.