0, 25, 2025, 13225…are squares that remain squares
if every digit in the number defining them is augmented by 1.
Let's call them squarish numbers.
a. List two more samples of squarish numbers.
b. Prove that all such numbers are evenly divisible by 25.
c. Why are there neither 3-digit nor 6-digit squarish numbers?
d. Prove that between 10^k and 10^(k+1) there is at most one squarish number.
(In reply to
Part a only (spoiler) by Charlie)
10 Repu=1:Rep9=9*Repu
20 for N=1 to 99999999
30 Sq=N*N
40 while Sq>Rep9
50 Repu=Repu*10+1
60 Rep9=9*Repu
70 wend
80 S$=cutspc(str(Sq))
90 if instr(S$,"9")=0 then
100 :Tst=Sq+Repu
110 :Sr=int(sqrt(Tst)+0.5)
120 :if Sr*Sr=Tst then
130 :print Sq;N,Tst;Sr
140 next N
25 5 36 6
2025 45 3136 56
13225 115 24336 156
4862025 2205 5973136 2444
60415182025 245795 71526293136 267444
207612366025 455645 318723477136 564556
verifies that there are no 13, 14, 15 or 16-digit squarish numbers either (as 99999999^2 is a 16-digit number that starts with a 9), in addition to the 8, 9 and 10 I already noted.
Posted by Charlie
on 2011-03-11 13:54:36 |