Determine the total number of quintuplets (A,B,C,D,E) of positive integers such that A<=B<=C<=D<=E<=N.
Both analytic and software solution for N=1, 2, ...9,10,...N required.
Starting with 1 and proceeding through N there occur N-1 increments of 1 each. Interspersed with these can be placed A, B, C, D and E, including the possibility that one or more may be before the first increment or after the last.
For example, A,B,+1,+1,C,+1,D,+1,E,+1,+1 represents the case where N=7 and A=B=1, C=3, D=4 and E=5. The final two +1's represent the fact that we were allowed to go up to 7, so that if the E had been delayed till after these two +1's, E would have been 7.
Each such sequence of letters (in alphabetic order) and +1's corresponds 1-to-1 with one of the quintuplets. Since the letters are in order, they don't need to be specified, so shorthand for the above sequence is xx++x+x+x++, with each x representing A or the next successive letter of the alphabet and each + representing +1, so it represents (1,1,3,4,5) within the context of N=7.
There are 5 x's and N-1 +'s, so the solution is C(N-1+5,5) or C(N+4,5).
N # of sequences
1 1
2 6
3 21
4 56
5 126
6 252
7 462
8 792
9 1287
10 2002
For the above table:
combi[n,r] :=
return n!/(r!*(n-r)!)
for n=1 to 10
The numbers for N = 2 through 5 can be verified by counting below:
OPEN "manyquin.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
FOR n = 2 TO 5
FOR a = 1 TO n
FOR b = a TO n
FOR c = b TO n
FOR d = c TO n
FOR e = d TO n
PRINT #2, "(";
PRINT #2, LTRIM$(STR$(a)); ",";
PRINT #2, LTRIM$(STR$(b)); ",";
PRINT #2, LTRIM$(STR$(c)); ",";
PRINT #2, LTRIM$(STR$(d)); ",";
PRINT #2, LTRIM$(STR$(e)); ")"
Posted by Charlie
on 2011-03-17 13:31:16 |