Yosi Rosenblum was born in Tel Aviv about 10:30 PM on a date (mm.dd.yyyy) claiming maximal sum of digits.
On what date (mm.dd.yyyy) will he become Bar Mizvah?
The maximal sum of digits would be 09.29.1999. At noon of that date the Hebrew calendar would indicate 19 Tisri 5760. At 10:30 PM, it would be after sunset, and therefore 20 Tisri. Yosi would become Bar Mizvah 20 Tisri 5773, thirteen years after his birth. That would correspond to October 6, 2012, Gregorian, but would begin the preceding evening, October 5. By this reckoning he would have been 13 years old for a few days already.
Posted by Charlie
on 2011-07-05 04:52:03 |