Yosi Rosenblum was born in Tel Aviv about 10:30 PM on a date (mm.dd.yyyy) claiming maximal sum of digits.
On what date (mm.dd.yyyy) will he become Bar Mizvah?
The puzzle gives that Yosi Rosenblum was born on a date (mm.dd.yyyy) claiming maximal sum of digits in Tel Aviv. As Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 AD, and the puzzle was submitted 07.04.2011, Yosi was born 09.29.1999.
Yosi would reach age 13 on 09.29.2012 at 10:30 pm Tel Aviv time.
A Bar Mitzvah is ritual celebrated during either a Shabbat (Sabbath) or a service occuring in the morning of Monday, Thursday or a day of a festival [according to Wikipedia].
09.29.2012 10:30pm is Saturday night according to the Gregorian Calendar, which would correspond to 13 Tishrei 5773, the day after the Shabbat on the Jewish Calendar (Shabbat begins after sunset Yom Shishi [Friday] and continues until sunset).
If the Bar Mitzvah is required to be in the
morning, Yosi would need to wait for 15 Tishrei 5773 Monday 10.01.2012 which would also correspond to the first full day of the festival Sukkot, the Feast of Booths (Feast of Tabernacles), which would actually begin after 3pm the prior day.
If the Bar Mitzvah can occur anytime during a festival day and a service were permitted to be observed in the late afternoon or evening, then Yosi may be Bar Mitzvah'ed 14 Tishrei 5773 (Erev Sukkot) Sunday 09.30.2012.
Edited on July 5, 2011, 7:14 am
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2011-07-05 07:02:34 |