Replace the red numerals, 0 to 9, with a unique letter of the alphabet around the pentagram to form five 4-letter words which read in the direction of the arrows.
Allowing that letters have a positional value in the alphabet (1-26), the sum for each word value appears as a green two digit numeral on the diagram.
Each of the five words has some association with a different word in this phrase -
"Not the life of a sparkling female kid Paulette."
The words are common enough, but may not be mainstream in some gatherings.
(In reply to
Solved? (spoiler?) by Steve Herman)
The closest I can see a relation is that Saul of Tarsus became Saint Paul, and Paulette is a feminization of Paul.
Or maybe Paulette is supposed to refer to a younger Paul, rather than feminized Paul, and so would be Saul, as his earlier name.
Or it was just feminized to agree with "female kid" (girl goat).
Edited on December 14, 2011, 5:08 pm
Posted by Charlie
on 2011-12-14 17:03:41 |