Given this 3 x 3 matrix:
define a simple procedure with the minimal number of operations resulting in the value of 682.
(In reply to
another solution by Daniel)
Daniel, hindsight is a wonderful teacher. Unfortunately it so often allows no redemption.
Looking back over previous comments "simple" should have been defined as something within the realms of a junior high school maths student and with such operations commensurate with such understandings. I initially wanted to add something to the effect "make up to 6 additions to the grid". There were issues. I then considered insisting those be external but relevant to the grid structure.
"If this as well fails to meet the mysterious definitions of simple
and/or operations, then I refuse to give this problem any more thought " I wouldn't blame you. What operations did you employ? Addition and exponentiation? Did you use multipication? I did, but that really is a reiteration of addition. Two operations! I couldn't get simpler than that.
Posted by brianjn
on 2012-04-16 22:43:50 |