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Hexagonal triples (Posted on 2012-06-20) Difficulty: 3 of 5

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DATA iyalyo, botesl, atyybs, rcrmfm, axfrrs, uolplu, ytssen
FOR i = 1 TO 7: READ disk$(i): NEXT

OPEN "\words\words3.txt" FOR BINARY AS #2
l = LOF(2) / 3

FOR disk1 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk1) = 0 THEN
  used(disk1) = 1
  FOR disk1o = 0 TO 5
    disk1$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk1), disk1o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk1), 6 - disk1o)
    chk1$ = "ma" + MID$(disk1$, 1, 1)
    chk2$ = "on" + MID$(disk1$, 2, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk1$) AND goodVtx(chk2$) THEN
FOR disk2 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk2) = 0 THEN
  used(disk2) = 1
  FOR disk2o = 0 TO 5
    disk2$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk2), disk2o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk2), 6 - disk2o)
    chk5$ = "t" + MID$(disk2$, 1, 1) + MID$(disk1$, 3, 1)
    chk6$ = "pt" + MID$(disk2$, 2, 1)
    chk10$ = "lo" + MID$(disk2$, 3, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk5$) AND goodVtx(chk6$) AND goodVtx(chk10$) THEN
FOR disk3 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk3) = 0 THEN
  used(disk3) = 1
  FOR disk3o = 0 TO 5
    disk3$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk3), disk3o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk3), 6 - disk3o)
    chk14$ = "e" + MID$(disk3$, 2, 1) + MID$(disk2$, 4, 1)
    chk18$ = "at" + MID$(disk3$, 3, 1)
    chk22$ = "im" + MID$(disk3$, 4, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk14$) AND goodVtx(chk18$) AND goodVtx(chk22$) THEN
FOR disk4 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk4) = 0 THEN
  used(disk4) = 1
  FOR disk4o = 0 TO 5
    disk4$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk4), disk4o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk4), 6 - disk4o)
    chk21$ = "f" + MID$(disk4$, 3, 1) + MID$(disk3$, 5, 1)
    chk24$ = "it" + MID$(disk4$, 4, 1)
    chk23$ = "it" + MID$(disk4$, 5, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk21$) AND goodVtx(chk24$) AND goodVtx(chk23$) THEN
FOR disk5 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk5) = 0 THEN
  used(disk5) = 1
  FOR disk5o = 0 TO 5
    disk5$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk5), disk5o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk5), 6 - disk5o)
    chk20$ = "k" + MID$(disk5$, 4, 1) + MID$(disk4$, 6, 1)
    chk19$ = "ly" + MID$(disk5$, 5, 1)
    chk15$ = "et" + MID$(disk5$, 6, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk20$) AND goodVtx(chk19$) AND goodVtx(chk15$) THEN
FOR disk6 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk6) = 0 THEN
  used(disk6) = 1
  FOR disk6o = 0 TO 5
    disk6$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk6), disk6o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk6), 6 - disk6o)
    chk11$ = "a" + MID$(disk6$, 5, 1) + MID$(disk5$, 1, 1)
    chk7$ = "to" + MID$(disk6$, 6, 1)
    chk3$ = "or" + MID$(disk6$, 1, 1)
    chk4$ = "a" + MID$(disk1$, 6, 1) + MID$(disk6$, 2, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk11$) AND goodVtx(chk7$) AND goodVtx(chk3$) AND goodVtx(chk4$) THEN
FOR disk7 = 1 TO 7
 IF used(disk7) = 0 THEN
  used(disk7) = 1
  FOR disk7o = 0 TO 5
    disk7$ = RIGHT$(disk$(disk7), disk7o) + LEFT$(disk$(disk7), 6 - disk7o)
    chk8$ = MID$(disk7$, 1, 1) + MID$(disk6$, 3, 1) + MID$(disk1$, 5, 1)
    chk9$ = MID$(disk7$, 2, 1) + MID$(disk1$, 4, 1) + MID$(disk2$, 6, 1)
    chk13$ = MID$(disk7$, 3, 1) + MID$(disk2$, 5, 1) + MID$(disk3$, 1, 1)
    chk17$ = MID$(disk7$, 4, 1) + MID$(disk3$, 6, 1) + MID$(disk4$, 2, 1)
    chk16$ = MID$(disk7$, 5, 1) + MID$(disk4$, 1, 1) + MID$(disk5$, 3, 1)
    chk12$ = MID$(disk7$, 6, 1) + MID$(disk5$, 2, 1) + MID$(disk6$, 4, 1)
    IF goodVtx(chk8$) AND goodVtx(chk9$) AND goodVtx(chk13$) AND goodVtx(chk17$) AND goodVtx(chk16$) AND goodVtx(chk12$) THEN
       PRINT disk1; disk1o; " "; disk2; disk2o; " "; disk3; disk3o; " "; disk4; disk4o; " "; disk5; disk5o; " "; disk6; disk6o; " "; disk7; disk7o
       PRINT disk1$; " "; disk2$; " "; disk3$; " "; disk4$; " "; disk5$; " "; disk6$; " "; disk7$
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk1$), goodVtx2$(chk2$), goodVtx2$(chk3$), goodVtx2$(chk4$)
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk5$), goodVtx2$(chk6$), goodVtx2$(chk7$), goodVtx2$(chk8$)
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk9$), goodVtx2$(chk10$), goodVtx2$(chk11$), goodVtx2$(chk12$)
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk13$), goodVtx2$(chk14$), goodVtx2$(chk15$), goodVtx2$(chk16$)
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk17$), goodVtx2$(chk18$), goodVtx2$(chk19$), goodVtx2$(chk20$)
       PRINT goodVtx2$(chk21$), goodVtx2$(chk22$), goodVtx2$(chk23$), goodVtx2$(chk24$)
    END IF
  used(disk7) = 0
NEXT disk7
    END IF
  used(disk6) = 0
NEXT disk6
    END IF
  used(disk5) = 0
NEXT disk5
    END IF
  used(disk4) = 0
NEXT disk4
    END IF
  used(disk3) = 0
NEXT disk3
    END IF
  used(disk2) = 0
NEXT disk2
    END IF
  used(disk1) = 0
NEXT disk1



FUNCTION goodVtx (x$)
 IF isWord(x$) THEN goodVtx = 1: EXIT FUNCTION
 IF isWord(MID$(x$, 2) + LEFT$(x$, 1)) THEN goodVtx = 1: EXIT FUNCTION
 IF isWord(MID$(x$, 3) + LEFT$(x$, 2)) THEN goodVtx = 1: EXIT FUNCTION
 goodVtx = 0

FUNCTION goodVtx2$ (x$)
 gv$ = ""
 IF isWord(x$) THEN gv$ = x$
 IF isWord(MID$(x$, 2) + LEFT$(x$, 1)) THEN
   IF gv$ = "" THEN
      gv$ = MID$(x$, 2) + LEFT$(x$, 1)
      gv$ = gv$ + "|" + MID$(x$, 2) + LEFT$(x$, 1)
 IF isWord(MID$(x$, 3) + LEFT$(x$, 2)) THEN
   IF gv$ = "" THEN
      gv$ = MID$(x$, 3) + LEFT$(x$, 2)
      gv$ = gv$ + "|" + MID$(x$, 3) + LEFT$(x$, 2)
 goodVtx2$ = gv$ + " "

FUNCTION isWord (w$)
 w1$ = SPACE$(3)
 low = 1: high = l
  mid = INT((low + high) / 2)
  GET #2, (mid - 1) * 3 + 1, w1$
  IF w1$ = w$ THEN isWord = 1:  EXIT FUNCTION
  IF w1$ < w$ THEN low = mid + 1:  ELSE high = mid - 1
 LOOP UNTIL low > high
 isWord = 0


 7  0   1  2   5  3   6  1   2  0   4  2   3  5
ytssen yoiyal rrsaxf uuolpl botesl fmrcrm tyybsa
may           ton           for           man
sty           top|opt       tom           ret
sly           oil           arb|bar       oca
yar|rya       rye           let           uts
fub           sat           sly           elk
fox           aim           pit           lit
 7  5   1  2   5  3   6  1   2  0   3  2   4  3
tsseny yoiyal rrsaxf uuolpl botesl bsatyy mfmrcr
mat           ons|son       orb           ays|say
sty           top|opt       toy           man
elf           oil           bay           rot
mar|arm       rye           let           cut
fur           sat           sly           elk
fox           aim           pit           lit

indicating that two solutions were found, but the first solution cannot avoid uncommon words, such as oca, yar or rya, uts, and fub.

In the second solution, all uncommon words have an alternative common word (son rather than ons; say rather than ays). In two instances there are two common interpretations: top or opt and mar or arm.

The lines

 7  5   1  2   5  3   6  1   2  0   3  2   4  3
tsseny yoiyal rrsaxf uuolpl botesl bsatyy mfmrcr

are interpreted by taking the positions for disks on the board starting at the 12 o'clock position and going clockwise, then taking the central position. So the disk to be placed at the top is disk 7 and the one in the center is disk 4.  The number after each disk number is the number of positions clockwise that that individual disk must be rotated to make the solution work. The set of letters below the two numbers is the content of that disk shown with the letter at the 11 o'clock position listed first, so for example, the T of disk 7 is placed near the MA at the top--at the 11 o'clock position.

                  A        O
                 M T      S N
      R     A Y                S T     P
    O B      S                  Y      O T

O                  N      E                  L
 Y                A        L                I
T                  M      F                  O

      Y      T                  A      Y
    A         R               M          E
      B      O                  R      R 

T                  C      R                  A
 L                T        F                S
E                  U      U                  T

    Y S      E                  X      A I
      L     K L                O F     M
                 T P      L I
                   I      T

  Posted by Charlie on 2012-06-20 17:58:17
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