There are five lumberjacks. When they go into the woods every day, each lumberjack wears a different colored cap and chops down only one kind of tree.
Lumberjacks: Abe, Ben, Cal, Dan, Frank.
Trees: elm, maple, pine, spruce, oak.
Cap colors: blue, red, yellow, black, green.
1. Cal wears a red cap.
2. Ben chops down elm trees.
3. The oak cutter does not wear the yellow cap.
4. The wearer of the green cap cuts down spruce trees.
5. Dan does not wear the yellow cap.
6. Frank wears the blue cap.
7. Dan chops down maple trees.
8. The lumberjack with blue cap chops down pines.
From the clues given above, match each lumberjack to his cap and the tree.
Abe - green - spruce
Ben - yellow - elm
Cal - red - oak
Dan - black - maple
Frank - blue - pine
From clues 6 and 8, Frank wears a blue cap and, thus, is the lumberjack who chops down pines.
From Clues 2 and 7, Ben chops down elm trees and Dan chops down maple trees, thus neither of the two - as given in Clue 4, wears the green cap. From Clue 1, Cal wears the red cap and since Frank has already been given to wear the blue cap, it is deduced that Abe wears the green cap and - as given in Clue 4 - cuts down spruce trees.
As deduced or given, Abe chops spruce, Ben chops elm, Dan chops maple and Frank chops pine, thus by deduction, Cal chops oak.
As Abe wears a green cap, Cal wears a red cap, and Frank wears a blue cap, and from Clue 5, Dan does not wear the yellow cap, Ben must be the wearer of the yellow cap. By deduction, Dan must wear the black cap and Cal must chop oak.
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2012-07-17 21:16:21 |