A "vampire number" is an integer with 2n digits that is the product of two n-digit numbers — the fangs — whose digits, when combined, form a permutation of the original digits (thus, multiplicity counts).
The smallest vampire numbers are 1260 (= 21 × 60) and 1395 (= 15 × 93). Technical point: The fangs cannot each end in a 0. So 126000 is not a vampire number.
You might have missed it, but October 5, 2010, was a vampire day because 10 05 2010 is an 8-digit vampire number. It equals 2010 × 5001. When is the next vampire day?
DECLARE SUB permute (a$)
OPEN "vampire nos.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
mo = 10: da = 5: ye = 2010
GOSUB greg.to.jd
jd0 = jd
FOR j = jd0 TO jd0 + 365.25 * 100
jd = j
GOSUB jd.to.greg
mm$ = LTRIM$(STR$(mo))
IF LEN(mm$) < 2 THEN mm$ = "0" + mm$
dd$ = LTRIM$(STR$(da))
IF LEN(dd$) < 2 THEN dd$ = "0" + dd$
year$ = LTRIM$(STR$(ye))
a$ = mm$ + dd$ + year$: h$ = a$
n = VAL(a$)
f1 = VAL(LEFT$(a$, 4))
f2 = VAL(RIGHT$(a$, 4))
IF f1 * f2 = n THEN
PRINT mo; da; ye, f1; f2
PRINT #2, mo; da; ye, f1; f2
permute a$
LOOP UNTIL a$ = h$
10100 REM :greg mo/da/ye --> jd at noon
10110 GOSUB jul.to.jd
10120 jd = jd + 2 - INT(cw(1) / 100) + INT(cw(1) / 400)
10130 RETURN
10150 REM :jul mo/da/ye --> jd at noon
10160 cw(0) = mo: cw(1) = ye: IF mo < 3 THEN cw(0) = mo + 12: cw(1) = ye - 1
10170 jd = INT(365.25 * cw(1)) + INT(30.61 * (cw(0) + 1)) + da + 1720995!
10180 RETURN
10200 REM:noon jd-->greg mo/da/ye
10210 cw(0) = INT((jd - 1867216.25#) / 36524.25)
10220 cw(0) = jd + 1 + cw(0) - INT(cw(0) / 4)
10230 GOTO common.from.jd
10240 REM : noon jd-->jul mo/da/ye
10250 cw(0) = jd
10260 cw(0) = cw(0) + 1524
10265 cw(1) = INT((cw(0) - 122.1) / 365.25)
10270 cw(2) = INT(365.25 * cw(1))
10275 cw(3) = INT((cw(0) - cw(2)) / 30.6001)
10280 da = cw(0) - cw(2) - INT(30.61 * cw(3))
10285 ye = cw(1) - 4716
10290 mo = cw(3) - 1: IF mo > 12 THEN mo = mo - 12: ye = ye + 1
10295 RETURN
finds, for a hundred-year period:
10 5 2010 2010 5001
10 5 2010 5001 2010
7 29 2043 2409 3027
7 29 2043 3027 2409
5 12 2048 2048 2501
5 12 2048 2501 2048
12 5 2048 1502 8024
12 5 2048 8024 1502
10 5 2064 2004 5016
10 5 2064 5016 2004
1 26 2079 201 6279
1 26 2079 6279 201
5 21 2084 2084 2501
5 21 2084 2501 2084
7 19 2089 921 7809
7 19 2089 7809 921
1 5 2100 210 5010
1 5 2100 501 2100
1 5 2100 1002 1050
1 5 2100 1050 1002
1 5 2100 2100 501
1 5 2100 5010 210
9 6 2104 1004 9026
9 6 2104 9026 1004
Those where the month number has only one digit are only pseudo-vampire, as the product is only nine digits, in keeping with the fact that the number formed from the date has a leading zero if specified as eight digits.
That makes the next true vampire day December 5, 2048, using a leading zero only on the date portion, as in the October 5 example. Then October 5, 2064 is the only other vampire day in the 100-year period that starts with the 2010 vampire day.
Posted by Charlie
on 2012-10-31 12:45:40 |