Let us define an x-pandigital word, where A=1,B=2,C=3, etc., as an English word such that the concatenated digits 0 to x of the positional letter-values are used exactly once. In order for a word to be a true x-pandigital word all digits between 0 and x, and only digits 0 to x, must be used exactly once.
What are the shortest and longest x-pandigital words*?
A zeroless x-pandigital word is a word with the same constraints as an x-pandigital word, but excludes the digit 0. What are the shortest and longest zeroless x-pandigital words?
*More than one possible word may exist for both shortest and longest. The length of an x-pandigital word can be less or equal to length x. As such, an x-pandigital word that uses more digits is considered longer for words otherwise of the same length.
You may provide as many x-pandigital words you find, even those that are neither the smallest or largest. An example of an x-pandigital word where x=5 is CENT {C=3, E=5, N=14, T=20}. The concatenated value of CENT is 351420, composed of the digits (not numbers) 0 thru 5.
OPEN "\words\words.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
OPEN "xpandigw.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
INPUT #1, w$
good = 1: n$ = ""
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(w$)
p = INSTR("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", MID$(w$, i, 1))
IF p = 0 THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
n$ = n$ + LTRIM$(STR$(p))
IF good THEN
REDIM used(9)
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(n$)
used(VAL(MID$(n$, i, 1))) = 1
IF used(0) = 0 THEN good = 0
flag = 1
FOR i = 0 TO 9
IF used(i) = 0 THEN flag = 0
IF used(i) = 1 AND flag = 0 THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
IF good THEN
x = 9
FOR i = 0 TO 9
IF used(i) = 0 THEN x = i - 1: EXIT FOR
PRINT w$, x
PRINT #2, USING "# ## ## & &"; x; LEN(w$); LEN(n$); w$; n$
IF LEN(w$) > LEN(longest$) THEN
longlen = LEN(w$)
longxval = x
longest$ = w$
ln$ = n$
PRINT longest$, longlen, longxval, ln$
finds 2120 x-pandigital words for the various values of x.
An abbreviated list (sorted) follows to show shortest and longest, with sufficient margin to allow you to judge whether a given word is "common" enough to be allowed:
With zeroes:
x wrd num word and numeric value
2 2 3 at 120
2 2 3 ta 201
2 2 4 ut 2120
2 3 4 bat 2120
2 3 4 jab 1012
2 3 4 tab 2012
2 5 9 butut 221202120
2 5 9 taluk 201122111
2 5 9 vault 221211220
2 6 8 albata 11221201
2 6 8 atabal 12012112
2 6 8 balata 21121201
2 6 9 ablaut 121212120
2 6 10 atlatl 1201212012
2 6 10 taluka 2011221111
2 6 10 valuta 2211221201
2 7 11 abuttal 12212020112
2 7 11 bullbat 22112122120
3 3 4 act 1320
3 3 4 cat 3120
3 3 5 cut 32120
3 3 5 jaw 10123
3 3 5 mat 13120
3 3 5 tam 20113
3 3 5 taw 20123
3 7 10 catcall 3120311212
3 7 10 catclaw 3120312123
3 7 10 cutback 3212021311
3 7 10 tambala 2011321121
3 7 11 catwalk 31202311211
3 7 11 tactual 20132021112
3 7 12 jumbuck 102113221311
3 8 12 backtalk 213112011211
3 9 13 blackjack 2121311101311
3 9 13 matambala 1312011321121
4 4 6 cant 311420
4 4 6 dawt 412320
4 4 6 duct 421320
4 4 7 **** 3211420
4 4 7 want 2311420
4 8 11 amadavat 11314122120
4 8 12 tamandua 201131144211
4 8 13 ambulant 1132211211420
4 8 14 autumnal 12120211314112
4 8 14 tantalum 20114201122113
4 9 14 attackman 12020131113114
5 4 6 cent 351420
5 4 7 newt 1452320
5 4 7 went 2351420
5 4 8 nowt 14152320
5 4 8 town 20152314
5 4 8 wont 23151420
5 13 20 nonattendance 14151412020514411435
5 13 20 unaccountable 21141331521142012125
5 13 21 mononucleated 131514151421312512054
5 13 21 unaccountably 211413315211420121225
5 13 23 monocotyledon 13151415315202512541514
5 14 21 unaccommodated 211413315131315412054
5 14 22 nonaccountable 1415141331521142012125
5 14 23 malcontentedly 13112315142051420541225
6 6 8 wafted 23162054
6 6 9 except 524351620
6 6 9 expect 524165320
6 6 9 pecten 165320514
6 6 9 tamped 201131654
6 6 9 temped 205131654
6 6 10 exempt 5245131620
6 6 10 fantom 6114201513
6 6 10 foment 6151351420
6 6 10 jumped 1021131654
6 6 10 tumped 2021131654
6 6 11 potman 16152013114
6 6 11 potmen 16152013514
6 6 11 tampon 20113161514
6 6 11 tympan 20251316114
6 6 11 unwept 21142351620
6 6 12 uptown 211620152314
6 13 19 nonacceptance 1415141335162011435
6 13 21 bamboozlement 211321515261251351420
6 13 21 developmental 452251215161351420112
6 13 21 fundamentally 621144113514201121225
6 13 22 nonconceptual 1415143151435162021112
6 13 23 pneumonectomy 16145211315145320151325
6 13 24 nonemployment 141514513161215251351420
6 14 23 uncontemplated 21143151420513161212054
6 14 24 nondevelopment 141514452251215161351420
6 15 25 developmentally 4522512151613514201121225
7 9 13 genuflect 7514216125320
7 10 15 neglectful 145712532062112
7 10 16 engulfment 5147211261351420
7 10 16 zygodactyl 2625715413202512
7 11 15 genuflected 751421612532054
7 12 19 neglectfully 1457125320621121225
7 12 21 pneumatology 161452113120151215725
(this is the complete list for x=7)
8 8 12 fragment 618171351420
8 9 14 pentagram 16514201718113
8 20 30 electroencephalogram 512532018155143516811215718113
8 21 31 electroencephalograph 5125320181551435168112157181168
8 22 33 electroencephalography 512532018155143516811215718116825
8 23 34 electroencephalographer 5125320181551435168112157181168518
9 8 10 fetching 6520389147
9 8 14 tromping 20181513169147
9 9 12 fletching 612520389147
9 9 12 refecting 185653209147
9 9 13 carpeting 3118165209147
9 9 13 factoring 6132015189147
9 9 13 fathoming 6120815139147
9 9 13 preacting 1618513209147
9 9 14 fragments 61817135142019
9 9 14 sceptring 19351620189147
9 9 14 tampering 20113165189147
9 9 14 tempering 20513165189147
9 9 15 frowsting 618152319209147
9 9 15 importing 913161518209147
9 9 15 permuting 165181321209147
9 9 16 promoting 1618151315209147
9 9 16 prompting 1618151316209147
9 21 30 electrocardiographies 512532018153118491571811689519
9 21 30 meningoencephalitides 135149147155143516811292094519
9 21 32 antiferromagnetically 11420965181815131714520931121225
9 21 32 clinicopathologically 31291493151612081512157931121225
9 21 32 electroencephalograms 51253201815514351681121571811319
9 21 32 electroretinographies 51253201815185209141571811689519
9 21 33 overintellectualizing 152251891420512125320211129269147
9 21 33 straightforwardnesses 192018197820615182311841451919519
9 22 33 electroencephalographs 512532018155143516811215718116819
9 23 33 electroencephalographic 512532018155143516811215718116893
9 24 35 electrocardiographically 51253201815311849157181168931121225
9 24 35 electroencephalographies 51253201815514351681121571811689519
9 24 36 electroencephalographers 512532018155143516811215718116851819
Without zeroes (using a slightly different program, finding 2420 words in all):
1 1 1 a 1
1 2 2 aa 11
1 2 3 ka 111
1 4 6 kaka 111111
(this is the complete list for x=1)
2 2 2 ab 12
2 2 2 ba 21
2 2 3 al 112
2 2 3 la 121
2 3 3 aba 121
2 3 3 baa 211
2 3 4 aal 1112
2 3 4 ala 1121
2 3 4 alb 1122
2 3 4 ava 1221
2 7 9 kabbala 111221121
2 7 10 baklava 2111121221
2 7 12 valvula 221122221121
2 8 12 kavakava 111221111221
2 8 12 lavalava 121221121221
3 2 3 aw 123
3 2 4 mu 1321
3 2 4 um 2113
3 3 3 cab 312
3 3 4 awa 1231
3 3 4 bam 2113
3 3 4 caw 3123
3 3 4 cub 3212
3 3 4 lac 1213
3 3 4 vac 2213
3 3 4 wab 2312
3 3 5 amu 11321
3 3 5 awl 12312
3 3 5 bum 22113
3 3 5 cum 32113
3 3 5 cwm 32313
3 3 5 lam 12113
3 3 5 law 12123
3 3 5 maw 13123
3 3 5 vaw 22123
3 3 5 waw 23123
3 3 6 lum 122113
3 3 6 mum 132113
3 3 6 umm 211313
3 8 10 maccabaw 1313312123
3 8 11 callback 31121221311
3 8 14 muckluck 13213111221311
3 9 12 balaclava 211213121221
3 9 13 blackball 2121311211212
3 9 15 muckamuck 132131111321311
4 3 4 cud 3214
4 3 4 daw 4123
4 3 4 wad 2314
4 3 5 awn 12314
4 3 5 max 13124
4 3 5 mud 13214
4 3 5 naw 14123
4 3 5 wan 23114
4 3 5 wax 23124
4 3 5 wud 23214
4 3 6 mun 132114
4 8 11 backland 21311121144
4 8 12 labdanum 121241142113
4 8 13 duckwalk 4213112311211
4 8 13 laudanum 1212141142113
4 9 12 balmacaan 211213131114
4 9 13 blackland 2121311121144
5 3 5 cox 31524
5 3 5 dow 41523
5 3 5 new 14523
5 3 5 wen 23514
5 3 6 now 141523
5 3 6 own 152314
5 3 6 won 231514
5 3 6 wyn 232514
5 12 18 cannonballed 311414151421121254
5 12 18 downloadable 415231412151412125
5 12 19 mollycoddled 1315121225315441254
5 12 19 nonmalleable 1415141311212512125
5 13 19 noncancelable 1415143114351212125
6 5 7 fancy 6114325
6 5 7 fumed 6211354
6 5 7 mazed 1312654
6 5 7 pawed 1612354
6 5 8 cozen 31526514
6 5 8 fawny 61231425
6 5 8 umped 21131654
6 12 16 backpedalled 2131116541121254
6 12 17 codependency 31545165144514325
6 12 19 compoundable 3151316152114412125
6 12 19 confoundedly 3151461521144541225
6 12 19 nonflammable 1415146121131312125
6 12 19 pneumococcal 1614521131531533112
6 12 19 unconfounded 2114315146152114454
6 12 20 uncompounded 21143151316152114454
6 12 20 unemployable 21145131612152512125
7 6 8 gawped 71231654
7 7 10 flagmen 6121713514
7 7 10 pawnage 1612314175
7 7 11 pygmean 16257135114
7 7 12 zymogen 262513157514
7 11 15 camouflaged 311315216121754
7 11 18 campanology 311316114151215725
8 7 11 grumped 71821131654
8 7 12 gumdrop 721134181516
8 7 13 grownup 7181523142116
8 7 13 upgrown 2116718152314
8 8 14 wrongful 23181514762112
8 14 20 encephalograph 51435168112157181168
8 14 23 overprogrammed 15225181618157181131354
8 14 23 unprogrammable 21141618157181131312125
8 14 24 gynandromorphy 725141144181513151816825
8 15 22 encephalography 5143516811215718116825
8 15 22 unchoreographed 2114381518515718116854
8 15 26 lymphogranuloma 12251316815718114211215131
8 17 28 neuropharmacology 1452118151681181313151215725
9 8 10 grecized 7185392654
9 8 11 wafering 23165189147
9 8 11 wheeping 23855169147
9 8 11 wheezing 23855269147
9 8 12 cognizer 315714926518
9 8 12 forewing 615185239147
9 8 12 pouching 161521389147
9 8 12 psyching 161925389147
9 8 12 whelping 238512169147
9 8 12 whoofing 238151569147
9 8 12 zorching 261518389147
9 8 13 frowning 6181523149147
9 8 13 impugner 9131621714518
9 8 13 powering 1615235189147
9 8 13 whomping 2381513169147
9 8 13 whooping 2381515169147
9 8 13 whopping 2381516169147
9 8 14 gumdrops 72113418151619
9 8 14 prowling 16181523129147
9 8 15 grownups 718152314211619
9 18 26 videoconferencings 22945153151465185143914719
9 18 27 lymphangiographies 122513168114791571811689519
9 18 28 neuropharmacologic 1452118151681181313151215793
9 18 29 neurophysiological 14521181516825199151215793112
9 18 29 neuropsychological 14521181516192538151215793112
9 18 29 phenomenologically 16851415135141512157931121225
9 18 31 uncompromisingness 2114315131618151391991471451919
9 19 29 overcommercializing 15225183151313518391129269147
9 19 30 neuropharmacologies 145211815168118131315121579519
9 20 31 neuropharmacological 1452118151681181313151215793112
9 20 33 neurophysiologically 145211815168251991512157931121225
9 20 34 uncompromisingnesses 2114315131618151391991471451919519
9 21 31 phosphoglyceraldehyde 1681519168157122535181124582545
9 22 33 phosphoglyceraldehydes 168151916815712253518112458254519
Posted by Charlie
on 2012-11-07 14:53:32 |