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Cubing the square (Posted on 2013-01-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5

I'm thinking of a number, x, whose last 3 digits are somewhere between 400 and 500.

You could probably guess from those digits that it might be a square or a cube, but in fact it turns out to be both, and in fact the smallest possible such number.

What are the prime factors of x?

Extra credit: feeling adventurous, I next computed the smallest number, y, having the same last 3 digits, that was a seventh power, as well as a square and a cube.

What are the prime factors of y?

See The Solution Submitted by broll    
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Solution computer solution | Comment 3 of 8 |

 10   for Last3=400 to 500
 20   for Prefix=1 to 999
 30      X=1000*Prefix+Last3
 40      Sr=int(sqrt(X))
 50      if Sr*Sr=X then
 60       :Cr=int(X^(1/3)+0.5)
 70       :if Cr*Cr*Cr=X then
 80          :print X
 90   next Prefix
100   next Last3

finds 531441, which is 3^12.

Now we're looking for the smallest perfect square, cube and 7th power all rolled into one that ends in 441. There's no point in using any composite number, as a smaller number having the same attributes can be obtained by using the corresponding power of any of its prime factors, the lowest of which will produce the lowest power that fits. No power of 2 is going to end in 441, so we try 3.

10   for P=1 to 99999999
20     Pr=modpow(3,P,1000)
30     if Pr=441 then print P,P @ 7,P @ 3:inc Ct:if Ct>30 then stop
40   next


12      5       0
112     0       1
212     2       2
312     4       0
412     6       1
512     1       2
612     3       0
712     5       1
812     0       2
912     2       0
1012    4       1
1112    6       2
1212    1       0
1312    3       1
1412    5       2
1512    0       0
1612    2       1
1712    4       2
1812    6       0
1912    1       1
2012    3       2
2112    5       0
2212    0       1
2312    2       2
2412    4       0
2512    6       1
2612    1       2
2712    3       0
2812    5       1
2912    0       2
3012    2       0

showing that indeed 3^12 ends in 441 as found before, and also every 100th power of 3 thereafter also ends in 441. All these powers are even, so the perfect square part is solved automatically. We need the shown power (i.e., the 12 + k*100) to be a multiple of 7 and of 3. The values mod 7 and mod 3 are shown, and the first power for which both are zero is 1512. So the answer to the extra credit part is 3^1512 =


But there's a flaw in my logic above. While a smaller combo of cube, square and 7th power can be obtained from just one of its component prime powers, they won't end in 441. And 3 might not be the prime to give the lowest, as we had to go all the way to 1512 to get the correct combination of powers.

Well, if we use 21 instead of 3 we get:

pwr   mod 7   mod 3
2       2       2
52      3       1
102     4       0
152     5       2
202     6       1
252     0       0
302     1       2
352     2       1
402     3       0
452     4       2
502     5       1
552     6       0
602     0       2
652     1       1
702     2       0
752     3       2
802     4       1
852     5       0
902     6       2
952     0       1
1002    1       0
1052    2       2

so 21^252 works. That's equal to


It seems hit or miss trying to find the appropriate base. However 11 does seem to offer quite a low value:

11^84 =  2999062754174580621444557664122388274963717433652437940577512878446736163557021296243441

So to check out that this is the lowest, all numbers up to 121 were checked to see if their 42nd power (i.e., 2*3*7) ends in 441:

10 for i=3 to 121
20     p=modpow(i,42,1000)
30     if p=441 then print i:print i^42
40 next

121^42 is the lowest, that is, 11^84.

  Posted by Charlie on 2013-01-30 15:56:53
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