If 0.0819949771411335541326 lived in the best of all possible worlds,
while 0.07043106849242149001936 stood on the shoulders of giants,
then who is represented by 0.045317973977950402535096?
The answer is: the author of Candide, as
5 point 10
10 Alpha$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
20 N=0.0819949771411335541326
30 for I=1 to 7
40 N=1/N
50 L=int(N)
60 print mid(Alpha$,L,1);
70 N=N-L
80 next
100 print
120 N=0.07043106849242149001936
130 for I=1 to 6
140 N=1/N
150 L=int(N)
160 print mid(Alpha$,L,1);
170 N=N-L
180 next
200 print
220 N=0.045317973977950402535096
230 for I=1 to 8
240 N=1/N
250 L=int(N)
260 print mid(Alpha$,L,1);
270 N=N-L
280 next
Words for fractionals 10 (Decimals for display 48)
The title of the current puzzle led back, via the search box, to the original Odd Men puzzle, who's solution was indeed the continued fraction expansion of fractions. Beyong that lookup, the computer merely assisted in the arithmetic involved.
Posted by Charlie
on 2013-09-02 21:31:11 |