If God is omnipotent, God must be everything, everything must be God. There is nothing outside God, not even empty space, because God created space and time. The fact is, gOutside Godh is an oxymoron: if there is God, then there will be no goutsideh; if there is an goutsideh, then there will be no God. There is no gravity goutsideh God. God doesnft live in a gravitational field. For an omnipotent God, there is no such concept as glifth. gLifth only exists in human experience. Gravity, like everything else, exists inside God. For an omnipotent God, there is no such concept as gstandh either, because there is no ground goutsideh God. By the same tokenCfor an omnipotent God, there are no such concepts as gbreathehCgeathCgdrinkhCgexcreteh, gwear clothesh, gwalkhCgsith, glie downh. God doesn't have a body. All bodies have skin, skin is the boundary of the body. God doesn't have boundary. Therefore, God doesn't have a faceCnor shape. An ant looks at you while you are talking, it could seeyour lips and tongue moving. The ant asks you: gHow do you lift your lips and tongue?h You reply: gItfs a stupid question.h A man sees that the Moon is moving, he asks God: gHow do you lift the Moon?h God says: gItfs a stupid question.h