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The unhappy end(= 58623L* ) (Posted on 2013-12-13) Difficulty: 4 of 5
It was extremely difficult to spot this w1 (=an extinct bird) w2 (=in the middle of, surrounded by) the bushes, but once the notorious gunman from Perfection,Nev. w3 Gummer saw it, the bird's w4 was inevitable.

w1,w2,w3,w4 are four-letter words
w2 and w3 are jointly composed of 8 distinct letters.

If the letters in the words are replaced by nine digits (distinct digits representing distinct letters)- the following equations come true:


q1: What digit in the alphametics is not represented by a letter?
q2: What is the bracketed word in the title ?

Hint (not mandatory):
4 968301 9401 94Y 625301 Y628 3I5

The above senseless, albeit grammatically correct, sentence may be of help.

See The Solution Submitted by Ady TZIDON    
Rating: 4.5000 (2 votes)

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re(2): A happy ending (spoiler)...why L and not 7 | Comment 3 of 4 |
(In reply to re: A happy ending (spoiler)...why L and not 7 by Ady TZIDON)


Well, since you ask, my process was to solve the whole silly phrase without looking at the title.

I started, as you said, with 4 = A.

I had been thinking that Y628 was either YEAR or YOUR, and with the A eliminated I tried YOUR right off.  

This lead me to a search for 6 letter words that fit OU5301, but here you threw me off.  The last word in the meaningless phrase was 3I5, which in a proper alphametic implied that none of the numbers translated to an I.  So I was looking for 5301 to not include an A, I, O, U or Y.  The last two digits had to be make a word with 9A01 and the last three digits had to make a word with 9O8301.  

So it behooved me to consider various values for 9, where 9AY had to be a word.  May was not the obvious choice, even though that is where your mind went.  I considered Say and Day and even Way to be more likely than May, and because this was a nonsense sentence I was also going to try B, H, G, L, P and N if S or D or W or M didn't work out.  There were even more extreme choices to be tried if B, H, G, L, P and N didn't work either.

Things weren't working, and fortunately I allowed OU5301 to include an I before I gave up on 9 being S, D, W or M.  This led to MO8BID MAID MAY OUTBID, and the rest is history. 

As an aside, I prefer the phrase A MORBID MAID MAY OUTBID YOUR BID, as being arguably less nonsensical.  I am a bridge player, and my regular partner actually is a MORBID MAID.  Had I not been a bridge player I may have overlooked the word OUTBID.

All in all, I think D4 is still a better rating than D2.  Your inclusion of I in 3I5, which was probably intended to be helpful, actually made this a lot more difficult for me.  But thanks for constructing this puzzle, and thanks for debugging it, and please keep it up.

Edited on December 15, 2013, 9:51 am
  Posted by Steve Herman on 2013-12-15 09:37:22

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