10 for T=2 to 9999
20 for Xord=1 to T-1
30 X=prm(Xord)
40 Yord=T-Xord
50 Y=prm(Yord)
60 Zcubed=X*X+37*X*Y-1656
65 if Zcubed>0 then
70 :Z=int(Zcubed^(1/3)+0.5)
80 :if Z*Z*Z=Zcubed then
90 :if prmdiv(Z)=Z then
100 :print X;Y;Z
110 next Xord
120 next
finds only
x=29 y=2 z=11
Though I have no proof, the program uses primes up to the 9998th prime (=104717) for x and y, though only when their ordinal position in the primes adds up to 9999 or less. But all instances of x or y being up to the 5000th prime (48611) have been tested.
Posted by Charlie
on 2014-03-12 15:14:27 |