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<h2 style="font-size: 29px;">Results</h2>
I searched in the English dictionary the words that complete the alphametic
murmur + walrus = ?
in such a way the solution is unique.
I found:
abased acacia acidic adduce adduct adjust aerate affirm africa agreer aiming albany albert alexei almost alpert amazed amazon ambler amelia amoeba amulet amused angler antler apical apollo appall arabia armful arsine artist ashley ashore aspire assent assert assign assort assure asylum atonal attach attack attain attune atwood auburn avowal awaken awhile baboon beaded beaker beaner beater beaver becalm became beetle bellow billow bissau blouse bluest bluish bomber browse brushy brutal buddha buffer bugger bunyan bushel bussed butter buzzer cabana canada caviar ceased chaser classy claude clawed closer clutch cocoon consul coward cradle crania creole cruder crusoe cutest cutter cyclic dawned deafer deanna deduce demise denser desire dialup diesel dmitri dodson draped drexel drowsy duncan edmund eerily elaine elisha elmira eloise eluded emblem endure engage eraser esteem evaded facial feeble fellow female feudal flashy flaunt flawed fluffy frugal funnel gerald geyser glassy global grange groggy grouse grusky gunner gutter hangar havana headed header healed healey heater heaver heeded heeled heiser herald hersey howard howell imbibe insane insult inward island issued issuer jersey jewell jigsaw joanna judder keeled keenan kikuyu kisser kruger lagoon leslie lethal lizard locust lordly louder louisa louvre lowell lucian ludlow luster nanook neater nebula needed needle nestle newark newell odessa onrush onward oracle orgasm orwell pealed peeled phaser phylum pillow plague plaque possum potato powell pravda preset prolog proust pruner pumped putter raided railed ramada really reaped rebate rectum reeler repair repeat repose resell resist rested reuben reused revile revise reward rhythm ribald rinser ritter robber ronald roofer rooter rosary roster roused rubber rudder runner schism scrawl sealed secede sedate seeley seeped seethe seldom senate senile serene sesame sheath simile sinful sloppy slowed sodium solemn sorest sphere sprawl squash subtle subtly suckle sunken sylvan sylvia tablet tanaka teased tenant tenser thusly tirana tomato toward treaty treble truant truest tunnel unfair unplug unrest unused upland urbana useful usenet versed yamaha yeager yellow
acrylic adhered adheres adverse airfoil airship alaskan allison altered alterer anemone aphasia apparel aroused assured assures assyria astaire astoria atwater average ballard barrett barrier barstow batista because blossom bluster boswell breaker bugaboo burglar buzzard camille cardiac carrier cassock cecilia censure cluster crackle crasher crosser curable curably currant discard durable durably ellwood embassy emerald ensured espouse eurasia everest everett gallery garaged garrett gassing gesture glottal gorilla greater grosser gruffly hairier hammett harrier himmler hubbard imitate impasse install instant jamaica judaism krueger laminar lampoon lamprey lantern largely lawless lawsuit letitia limiter littler locator loosely lowland luggage maguire markism marxism melissa nagging nuclear nullary numeral oshkosh parapet perilla perused pilgrim pleased plumped purpler quester raccoon raining rambler rangoon rebecca recycle refugee refused regally remnant remover renewed require resided restate riemann rivalry rooster rosalie roswell rotator royalty rumania rundown saddled sailing sampson scuffle scuttle seclude servile shampoo shrilly shuffle shuttle snuggle spatula speedup splashy splurge steeple sterile stubble subslot succeed suffolk summand sunbeam surgery suwanee szilard terrier theresa tolstoy totally tremble trivial trumpet uncanny unleash unsound unwound utility vanilla villain vivaldi waldorf walford wansley willard
494 words in 0.19 seconds
This program can help you in finding alphametics with unique solution and sum and differences whose result is a meaningful word. However, a good alphametic should also be crackable by a human in reasonable time, by using some cleverness and not only brute force. That property I'm not able to check, right now.