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Coefficient Conclusion (Posted on 2014-08-08) |
Consider the polynomial
P(y) = (y+1)(y2 + 2)(y4 + 4)(y8 + 8)...(y1024 + 1024)
Determine the value of A, given that the coefficient of y2012 in the expansion of P(y)
is equal to 2A
Comment 1 of 1
of (y^2r + 2^r)].
Since each bracket contains y raised to a different power of 2, the
binary representation, 2012 = 111110111002, tells us that y2012
from the product y^(22+23+24+26+27+28+29+210),
these particular
powers coming uniquely from 8 of the 11 brackets. The coefficient of
y2012 will therefore come from the powers of 2 in the ‘missing’ 3
Thus: A = coefficient of y2012
= 2^(0 + 1 + 5) = 64.
Posted by Harry
on 2014-08-10 16:53:40 |
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