Determine the smallest value of a positive integer N such that N is a palindrome in both base 3 and base 10. What is the next smallest value of N having this property?
*** N must have more than one digit in any base. So, trivial solutions like (4)base 10 or, (8)base 10 are not permissible.
121=11111 in base 3
151=12121 in base 3
A D1 puzzle - after trying 2-digit decimal numbers like 11,22 etc
the first two i.e. 121 fits and a little bit later 151
Edited: I have corrected a typo - initially wrote 111 (from memory) instead of 121. The puzzle was solved within less than 3 minutes using a base conversion applet which gives you instant output in 16 bases after you enter a number in any base - try it.
Will not happen again - I am going to slow down and recheck my posts prior to publishing.
Edited on September 19, 2014, 1:21 pm