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Trigrams (Posted on 2005-10-07) |
The following groups of three letters, or "trigrams", can all be found in one or more English words, obscure scientific terms not included.
Can you find a word for each of the ten?
(N.B. The trigrams may be at the beginning, middle, or end of a word,
but the letters must not be mixed or interspersed with others.
For example: KHS could be found in sheiKHS
but not in
bucKSHot or KHakiS.)
More than one word each (but for XII)
| Comment 36 of 37 |
The following words that fit the criteria are found in the SOWPODS word list: BWA (14 words)- abwatt, abwatts, bwana, bwanas, bwazi, bwazis, dumbwaiter, dumbwaiters, subwarden, subwardens, subway, subwayed, subwaying, subways
CKK (13 words)- brickkiln, brickkilns, jackknife, jackknifed, jackknifes, jackknifing, jackknives, knickknack, knickknacks, lockkeeper, lockkeepers, stockkeeper, stockkeepers
DGM (24 words)- abridgement, abridgments, acknowledgment, acknowledgments, adjudgment, adjudgments, dislodment, dislodgments, forjudgment, forejudgments, judgment, judgmental, judgmentally, judgments, judgmatic, judgmatical, judgmatically, lodgment, lodgments, misjudgment, misjudgments, nonjudgmental, prejudment, prejudgments
GZW (4 words)- zugzwan, zugzwaned, zugzwaning, zugzwans
KTH (18 words)- blackthorn, blackthorns, breakthrough, breakthroughs, buckthorn, buckthorns, cockthrowing, cockthrowings, packthread, packthreads, pakthong, pakthongs, pickthank, pickthanks, quickthorn, quickthorns, wickthing, wickthings
LCR (20 words)- calcrete, calcretes, fulcra, fulcrate, fulcrum, fulcrums, hillcrest, hillcrests, killcrop, killcrops, musselcracker, musselcrackers, pilcrow, pilcrows, schoolcraft, schoolcrafts, shellcracker, shellcrackers, velcro, velcros
OKK (21 words)- bookkeeper, bookkeepers, bookkeeping, bookkeepings, grokked, grokking, hokku, jambokked, jambokking, pondokkie, pondokkies, quokka, quokkas, rokkaku, sjambokked, sjambokking, toktokkie, toktokkies, wokka, yokked, yokking
TSC (81 words)- bortsch, bortsches, britschka, britschkas, eightscore, eightscores, festschrift, festschriften, festschrifts, flatscreen, flatscreens, kaffeeklatsch, kaffeeklatsches, kitsch, kitsches, kitschier, kitschiest, kitschified, kitschifies, kitschify, kitschifying, kitschily, kitschness, kitschnesses, kitschy, klatsch, klatsches, meatscreen, meatscreens, nightscope, nightscopes, outscheme, outschemed, outschemes, outscheming, outscold, outscolded, outscolding, outscolds, outscoop, outscooped, outscooping, outscoops, outscore, outscored, outscores, outscoring, outscorn, outscorned, outscorning, outscorns, outscream, outscreamed, outscreaming, outscreams, postscenium, postsceniums, postscript, postscripts, putsch, putsches, putschist, putschists, quetsch, quetsches, setscrew, setscrews, sightscreen, sightscreens, sportscast, sportscaster, sportscasters, sportscasts, streetscape, streetscapes, tschernosem, tschernosems, weltschmerz, weltschmerzes, welwitschia, welwitschias
ZWI (9 words)- buzzwig, buzzwigs, zwieback, zwiebacks, zwischenzug, zwischenzugs, zwitterion, zwitterionic
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2014-10-18 13:56:53 |
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