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An aSCending SCale (Posted on 2014-11-14) Difficulty: 3 of 5
In the 8-letter word list below you see, how the couple SC propagates from the beginning of a 9--letter word to its end.


Provide similar lists, if possible, for valid n-letter words n between 3 and 13 letters. Rem1: All goes, e.g. ASCI, Nietzsche, Descartes etc as long as appearing in a reputable dictionary.
Rem2: Explaining esoteric entries is welcome.

See The Solution Submitted by Ady TZIDON    
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re(2): some examples from the computer | Comment 4 of 7 |
(In reply to re: some examples from the computer by broll)

My list had only two alternative spellings of jinricksha and no mor Anglo-Saxon alternatives for 10-letter words with SH starting at position 8. Compare that to all the alternatives for starting at positions 7 or 9:

10  7 admonished
10  7 admonisher
10  7 admonishes
10  7 airbrushed
10  7 airbrushes
10  7 airmanship
10  7 archbishop
10  7 astonished
10  7 astonishes
10  7 authorship
10  7 backlashed
10  7 backlasher
10  7 backlashes
10  7 backrushes
10  7 backwashed
10  7 backwashes
10  7 barbershop
10  7 battleship
10  7 billfishes
10  7 blandished
10  7 blandisher
10  7 blandishes
10  7 blimpishly
10  7 blowfishes
10  7 bluefishes
10  7 boarfishes
10  7 bonefishes
10  7 brandished
10  7 brandishes
10  7 bullrushes
10  7 Caesarship
10  7 calabashes
10  7 calipashes
10  7 cavefishes
10  7 censorship
10  7 cheapishly
10  7 childishly
10  7 churlishly
10  7 clannishly
10  7 cliquishly
10  7 clownishly
10  7 coalfishes
10  7 consulship
10  7 cousinship
10  7 crawfished
10  7 crawfishes
10  7 crayfishes
10  7 dandyishly
10  7 dealership
10  7 dealfishes
10  7 demolished
10  7 demolisher
10  7 demolishes
10  7 depolished
10  7 depolishes
10  7 devilishly
10  7 diminished
10  7 diminishes
10  7 doctorship
10  7 downwashes
10  7 drumfishes
10  7 duennaship
10  7 dwarfishly
10  7 editorship
10  7 enravished
10  7 enravishes
10  7 externship
10  7 factorship
10  7 fallfishes
10  7 fellowship
10  7 feverishly
10  7 fiendishly
10  7 filefishes
10  7 flatfishes
10  7 flatwashes
10  7 flourished
10  7 flourisher
10  7 flourishes
10  7 foolfishes
10  7 freakishly
10  7 friendship
10  7 frogfishes
10  7 ghoulishly
10  7 goatfishes
10  7 goldfishes
10  7 grayfishes
10  7 headfishes
10  7 internship
10  7 jackfishes
10  7 kingfisher
10  7 kingfishes
10  7 ladyfishes
10  7 languished
10  7 languisher
10  7 languishes
10  7 leadership
10  7 legateship
10  7 lionfishes
10  7 lumpfishes
10  7 lungfishes
10  7 maharishis
10  7 mastership
10  7 mediumship
10  7 membership
10  7 mentorship
10  7 milkfishes
10  7 monkfishes
10  7 moonfishes
10  7 musquashes
10  7 numbfishes
10  7 outblushed
10  7 outblushes
10  7 overfished
10  7 overfishes
10  7 parfleshes
10  7 pastorship
10  7 pearlashes
10  7 penmanship
10  7 pipefishes
10  7 prankishly
10  7 priggishly
10  7 princeship
10  7 qualmishly
10  7 rainwashed
10  7 rainwashes
10  7 readership
10  7 rectorship
10  7 refinished
10  7 refinisher
10  7 refinishes
10  7 repolished
10  7 repolishes
10  7 rockfishes
10  7 rosebushes
10  7 rosefishes
10  7 saganashes
10  7 sailfishes
10  7 saltbushes
10  7 sandfishes
10  7 seamanship
10  7 skirmished
10  7 skirmisher
10  7 skirmishes
10  7 skittishly
10  7 slapdashes
10  7 sluggishly
10  7 sluttishly
10  7 snappishly
10  7 sniffishly
10  7 snobbishly
10  7 snowbushes
10  7 squarishly
10  7 stablished
10  7 stablishes
10  7 standishes
10  7 starfishes
10  7 stramashes
10  7 studfishes
10  7 suckfishes
10  7 suretyship
10  7 surffishes
10  7 sweetishly
10  7 tarbooshes
10  7 thievishly
10  7 ticklishly
10  7 tigerishly
10  7 tilefishes
10  7 toadfishes
10  7 tovarishes
10  7 trickishly
10  7 unfinished
10  7 unpolished
10  7 unpunished
10  7 unravished
10  7 vanquished
10  7 vanquisher
10  7 vanquishes
10  7 viewership
10  7 vigorishes
10  7 viziership
10  7 wardenship
10  7 weakfishes
10  7 Whiggishly
10  7 whiplashes
10  7 wolffishes
10  7 womanishly
10  8 jinricksha
10  8 jinrikisha
10  9 accomplish
10  9 amateurish
10  9 anglerfish
10  9 archerfish
10  9 Babylonish
10  9 backsplash
10  9 balderdash
10  9 Bangladesh
10  9 bounderish
10  9 buffoonish
10  9 bumpkinish
10  9 butterfish
10  9 buttonbush
10  9 candlefish
10  9 cartoonish
10  9 cockneyish
10  9 coquettish
10  9 countryish
10  9 cuttlefish
10  9 damselfish
10  9 disfurnish
10  9 extinguish
10  9 folklorish
10  9 gooseflesh
10  9 groundfish
10  9 guitarfish
10  9 heathenish
10  9 hobblebush
10  9 Hollandish
10  9 hoodlumish
10  9 horseflesh
10  9 impoverish
10  9 Laplandish
10  9 mackintosh
10  9 multiflash
10  9 muttonfish
10  9 needlefish
10  9 outlandish
10  9 overlavish
10  9 paddlefish
10  9 paintbrush
10  9 peacockish
10  9 photoflash
10  9 picayunish
10  9 relinquish
10  9 ribbonfish
10  9 silverfish
10  9 toothbrush
10  9 unactorish
10  9 underbrush
10  9 vinegarish

  Posted by Charlie on 2014-11-15 07:39:18
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