This number can be expressed:
- by 4 distinct digits in bases 4,8,10;
- by 5 distinct digits in bases 6,7,11,15 and
- by 6 distinct digits in base 16.
There is no data about other bases.
Find the number.
(In reply to
More than 3000, less than 8, computer solutions by Charlie)
Hi, Ch
When I created this puzzle, it was done "bottoms up" i.e. describing a certain number by its features,- without checking for redundant solutions.
Since I have anticipated multiple solutions (I assumed 5-10 distinct possibilities, not 3000) I have added that "the digits of base 16 representation form an arithmetic progression".
This amendment (somehow run away ?) should make (hopefully)the puzzle uniquely solvable.....likely, not sure...
Since the solution I had in mind was not mentioned by you, I
would ask, time permitting, that you add the above constraint to your program and by doing this you will significantly improve my puzzle-
Better late tan never.