The word
franc appears in
dinar in or
dinary and
dime in
Compile a list of common Englsh words with currency names embedded in them.
An effort is made to not repeat the currency names in Charlie's list and not to repeat the currency name (though some words might actually be composed of more than one). It is an incomplete list of currencies that can appear in English words. Some of the words appearing may not be considered common, yet common is not a well-defined term:
clAUSTRAL, BIRRetta, acCEDIng, peDALER, docuDRAMa, eDUCATable, nEUROn, FRANKfurter, busHELLER, INCApable, INTImacy, macKINAw, sKIPper, hicKORIes, cLARIfy, fLATScreen, teLEKinesis, eLEVen, milLIRAndian, fLOTIlla, sMILe, herMETICAlly, deMONstrate, imMUNe, kOBOLds, mORAle, unPENNING, PENNYwinkle, ePISOde, coPULAs, headQUARTERs, gRANDiose, REALity, buRIALs, SHAHdom, unSOLved, aweSOMe, palSYLIke, kaTAKAna, sTALAg, kiTENGE, neandeTHALER, opTICAL, klepTOMANia, curVATUre, WONder, eXUde
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2015-03-25 03:37:20 |