Will Shortz (the renowned American puzzle creator) maintains that
is the word of lowest possible
gematria(i.e. a=1, b=2,...…and z=26) in the set of 11 – letter words.
a. What about Cabbagehead 's neighbors i.e. words of 10 letter and 12 letters?
Please provide your candidates for the lowest gematria.
b.Maybe you can find a lower (than Cabbagehead
) gematria within the list of 11 –letter words?
The undersigned has no idea what the solutions are.
The 11-letter taxinomic family name Aecidiaceae has a lower gematria than cabbagehead. Its gematria is 38, which is one point less. The word "aecidiaceae" can be found in the Moby word list.
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2015-05-12 11:30:42 |