Gula, Superbia, Avaritia, Acedia, Invidia, Castitas, Industria, Humilitas, Luxuria, Patientia, Ira, Caritas, Temperantia, +?
There is one missing Latin word in the above set of 13 nouns.
Add it and partition the full set into
two ordered sets of seven - so that to each word in G-set corresponds a matching word in B-set.
Add a short comment describing the final output.
The 7 Cardinal Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins.
They correlate as opposites:
Good Bad
Latin English Latin English
Castitas Chastity Luxuria Lust
Temperantia Temperence Gula Gluttony
Caritas Charity Avaritia Greed
Industria Diligence Acedia Sloth
Patientia Patience Ira Wrath
Benevolentia Kindness Invidia Envy
Humilitas Humility Superbia Pride
Missing from the list in the puzzle was Benevolentia, Kindness.
Posted by Charlie
on 2015-05-18 22:14:51 |