In a Fibonacci sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, …, Fn, Fn+1
Rn = Fn/ Fn-1
Prove that lim (R
n) as n approaches infinity
the golden ratio, φ (phi).
Point taken, Steve. I didn't think Ady wanted all the gory details. If you can stand the sight of blood, here are the details :-)
Let a = ( 1+ sqr(5))/2 and b = (1 - sqr(5) )/2
a and b are the roots of x = 1 + 1/x
From the Euler-Binet formula, F(n) = (a^n - b^2 ) / sqr(5)
So, F(n+1)/F(n) = (a^(n+1) - b^(n+1)) / (a^n - b^n)
= [(a^(n+1) - ab^n)) + (ab^n - b^(n+1) ] / (a^n - b^n)
= a + b^n (a - b) / (a^n - b^n)
= a + sqr(5) / (k^n - 1) where k = a/b
Now |k| = |1+sqr(5) / (1-sqr(5))| > 1
Hence, lim, n-> inf of F(n+1)/F(n) = a + 0 = a
But a is just phi (for easier notation above.)
So, the required limit exists and = (1+sqr(5))/2 = phi
Edited on September 18, 2015, 3:59 pm