M is the number of six-element subsets that can be chosen from the set of the first 15 positive integers so that at least three of the six numbers are consecutive.
Find M.
Lets call a subset of ( 1,2,3,4…15) having 6 members a 6-subset.
All of the 6-subsets with at least one triplet of consecutive integers must contain at least one multiple of 3.
b. The quantity of 6-subsets with no triplet of consecutive integers is therefore C(10,6). edit: NOT SO
c. The total of all possible 6-subsets is C(15,6)
C(15,6)- C(10,6)=5050-210=4795
edited: there is an error in my reasoning, b. is wrong, there are more 6-subsets than 210 , since they may contain a multiple of 3 ,like 1,2,4,5,7,9- so I stop here,
but urge someone to evaluate the correct answer to b.
Edited on February 9, 2016, 10:16 pm