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A scrabblematic problem (Posted on 2016-03-25) Difficulty: 4 of 5
Using not more than 16 tiles from a standard Srabble game create an alphametic equation w1+w2=w3 , where w1,w2,w3 are English words and the sum of scrabble values of the participating tiles is maximal.

Rem1: The alphametic must have only one solution.
Rem2: The words used must be listed at this online scrabble dictionary.
Rem3: The letters' values are here.
Rem4: Try to do better than HEIGHT+QUIZ=TRUDGE (my example).

See The Solution Submitted by Ady TZIDON    
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Some Thoughts re(2): When the standard is Super.......n o w a y ! | Comment 11 of 15 |
(In reply to re: When the standard is Super.......n o w a y ! by Ady TZIDON)

All the tiles in the set of the Scrabble variant, Super Scrabble, are not simply doubled, yet there are two Js, two Qs, and two Zs.
Of course, a Super Scrabble set is not generally considered a standard Scrabble set. And there is an implied understanding that the language set to be used is to be one of the English language, especially given the words are to be English words (problem preamble), the specified Scrabble dictionary to be used is the the English language Scrabble dictionary (Rem2), the given letter values match those of the English language Scrabble set (Rem3), and that English is the principle language used on this site.

Yet, given the criteria as established in the problem, more than one Q, for example, could be used. The difference is that the Scrabble value of those letters beyond the frequency distribution of a standard set would have a value of 0 (zero), as that is the value of the blanks that would be used to represent the additional letters. QAJAQS would have a value of 21, for example, and not 31 as it would if a Super Scrabble tile set were used. In addition, only two additional letters beyond the frequencies of the letters used could be used, as there are only two blanks in a standard set. There is no specifically given restriction in the problem's text that has eliminated the words as QAJAQS and ZZZS from being a part of a solution, but there is an inference that the values for these words are less than the sum of standard values of the letters.

A standard Scrabble set of the Romanian language with that set's original letter values, and not those of the English language letter values identified in Rem3, can have a higher scrabblematic value. Using the language's official Scrabble word list, the following example demonstrates a higher (though not likely the highest possible) value:

VEGHEZ + ALEG = FOFILA  (value = 70)
194693 + 7894 = 202587

VEGHÉZ - (v.) to watch
ALEG - (v.) to choose; to select
FOFILÁ - (v.) to sneak unnoticed

Edited on April 4, 2016, 6:04 am
  Posted by Dej Mar on 2016-04-02 14:33:10

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