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Numerical Anagrams (Posted on 2016-06-30) |
“Eon” is an anagram of “one”.
What are the other anagrams of spelled out forms of numbers having more than one letter? (Such words also include known mathematical constants like pi, phi, psi etc. Ordinal numbers like first, second, binary, ternary etc. are also admissible.)
*** Plurals are allowed. But proper names, abbreviations, acronyms, slangs or archaic words are not allowed,
a number in the mix
| Comment 3 of 6 |
one : eon two : tow, wot three : ether, there five : vife six : xis seven : evens, neves ten : net fifty : tiffy sixty : xysti thousand : handouts octillion : cotillion first : rifts second : codens eighth : height binary : brainy senary : yearns denary : yarned decimal : claimed, declaim, medical
[Bernstein's constant] beta : abet, bate, beat [Euler-Mascheroni constant] gamma : magma [Golomb-Dickman constant] mu : um [golden ratio] phi : hip tau : uta [Reciprocal Fibonacci constant] psi : pis, sip [Feigenbaum constant] delta : dealt, lated
Initially I had included the following plurals with the above list of numbers & anagrams. But, I realized perhaps the allowance of plurals was meant only for the anagrammed words. I include the number plurals anyway, but following:
ones : eons, noes, nose, sone twos : tows, swot threes : ethers fives : vifes eights : gesith tens : nest, nets, sent, sten twenties : tentwise thirties : shittier fifties : tiffies octillions: cotillions eighths : heights ternaries : retainers nonaries : raisonne octals : costal decimals : declaims, medicals, midscale
[Bernstein's constant (plural)] betas : abets, baste, bates, beast, beats [Euler-Mascheroni constant (plural)] gammas : magmas [Golomb-Dickman constant (plural)] mus : sum [golden ratio (plural)] phis : hips, pish, ship [Archimede's constant (plural)] pis : psi, sip [Reciprocal Fibonacci constant (plural)] psis : piss [the imaginary unit (plural)] is : si [unity {one} (plural)] unities: unitise
Edited on July 1, 2016, 1:21 am ----------------------------------------------------------- An assumption may be made that a number (quantity) of an unspecified value, spelled out, would also be valid for this particular puzzle. With the further assumption that a space or hyphen could exist in the number and-or the anagrammed word without being required to exist in both, I offer the following:
n-minex (= 10-n) : meninx dozen : zendo, zoned dozens : zendos ten gross (= 1440): songster
Edited on July 1, 2016, 5:09 pm ----------------------------------------------------------- To be more precise, the constants represented by Greek letters, but for pi, phi, and possibly tau, are not known by the names of the Greek letters. In many cases the majiscule and miniscule forms of Greek letters represent different constants, though sometimes either form is used, and in others the font used plays a part. Anagrams of the (non-plural) Greek letters not known (by myself) to be used to represent a specific mathematical constant are as follows: chi : hic, ich epsilon : pinoles eta : ate, eat, tae, tea nu : un omicron : moronic sigma : agism upsilon : pulsion
Edited on July 4, 2016, 7:22 pm
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2016-06-30 15:11:02 |
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