123456 is an anagram of
562 431
Replace digits by letters (one-to-one) to create a meaningful message.
arkose ser oka
bailer era lib
bailor ora lib
beacon one cab
beanos ose nab
belady dye alb
blonde del nob
blunge gel nub
broche her cob
cerous use orc
chalet eth lac
chased edh sac
chored edh roc
crista tar sic
cuesta tau sec
daiker era kid
dauber era bud
daubry rya bud
deacon one cad deacon : one cad
deafly lye fad
dearly lye rad
dearth the rad
denary rye and
dyable ley bad
dynast sty and
enigma man gie
gaoler era log
geodic ice dog
glance cel nag
gnawer ern wag
hearty tye rah
inmate ten ami
knower ern wok
mahout uta ohm
mauger era gum
mauler era lum
meadow owe dam
meanly lye nam
meatus use tam
mesial ale ism
mesian ane ism
muleta tau elm
myopic icy pom
myotic icy tom
nailer era lin
nearby bye ran
nearly lye ran
neatly lye tan
neumic ice mun
neural ale run
pauser era sup
pearly lye rap
phased edh sap
phasic ich sap
phatic ich tap
phobic ich bop
photic ich top
poisha hao sip
protea ear top
psocid ids cop
ptisan ant sip
realty tye lar
reavow owe var
rhodic ich dor
ryokan any kor
sailer era lis
sailor ora lis
sapote tea ops
scampi pic mas
scrape pec ars
senior ore ins
shaled edh las
shamed edh mas
shaped edh pas
shared edh ras
shaved edh vas
shawed edh was
sherpa pah res
showed edh wos
smalto tom las
smidge gem dis
snathe hen tas
snider ern dis
sniper ern pis
spathe hep tas
spital alp tis
splake kep als
spongy gyp nos
stable let bas
staple let pas
starve vet ras
stodge get dos
stomal alt mos
strafe fet ars
strobe bet ors
stroma mat ors
strove vet ors
stupor ort pus
suable leu bas
swathe hew tas
swithe hew tis
synura ray uns
tailer era lit
tailor ora lit
teopan ane pot
thawed edh wat
tholed edh lot
thoric ich rot
thorpe peh rot
thujas ash jut
troche her cot
trompe per mot
unmade den amu
unmake ken amu
wealth the law wealth : the law
weapon one paw weapon : one paw
weason one saw
whaled edh law
whenas ash new
whored edh row
DefDbl A-Z
Dim crlf$
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Visible = True
Text1.Text = ""
crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Open "c:\words\words6.txt" For Binary As #1
w6$ = Space$(6)
Get #1, , w6
If EOF(1) Then Exit Do
good = 1
For i = 2 To 6
If InStr(w6, Mid(w6, i, 1)) < i Then good = 0: Exit For
If good Then
w1$ = Mid(w6, 5, 1) + Mid(w6, 6, 1) + Mid(w6, 2, 1)
w2$ = Mid(w6, 4, 1) + Mid(w6, 3, 1) + Mid(w6, 1, 1)
If isWord(w1) And isWord(w2) Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & w6 & " " & w1 & " " & w2 & " " & crlf
End If
End If
Close 1
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & crlf & " done"
End Sub
Function isWord(w$)
n = Len(w$)
w1$ = Space$(n)
Open "\words\words" + LTrim$(Str$(n)) + ".txt" For Binary As #2
l = LOF(2) / n
low = 1: high = l
middle = Int((low + high) / 2)
Get #2, (middle - 1) * n + 1, w1$
If w1$ = w$ Then isWord = 1: Close 2: Exit Function
If w1$ < w$ Then low = middle + 1 Else high = middle - 1
Loop Until low > high
isWord = 0
Close 2
End Function
Posted by Charlie
on 2017-06-09 18:24:36 |