Your task is to choose a certain two-letter word, such that when added to each of the listed below words a new valid English word will be created.
You can add your word as a prefix, a suffix or insert within the given word.
1. All new words must appear in a respectable dictionary.
2. For the less-common words please provide a short definition.
From the below list, the desired result is apparently
at abled ablated
at aspire aspirate
at cave caveat
at comb combat
at conus conatus
at creed created
at form format
at lest latest
at one atone
at pent patent
at there theatre
at there thereat
While "there" has two entries, "lion" lacks any.
Systematic searches starting with atlion yields
lation: Motion of a celestial object from one place to another; local motion. Copernicus placed the Sun at the centre of the Universe, exempt from any sort of lation.
I'd think we'd call it translation, as in invariance under translation.
I think "conatus" also deserves a definition:
conatus: a natural tendency, impulse, or striving :conation —used in Spinozism with reference to the inclination of a thing to persist in its own being.
The full output list shows any insertions of a pair of letters to form a new word:
Bo one Boone
Di one Dione
Pe lion Pelion
Sa one Saone
ab lest ablest
ad pent pentad
ag one agone
ak creed creaked
al creed creedal
al form formal
al one alone
am creed creamed
am lest lamest
ar pent arpent
ar pent parent
as creed creased
at abled ablated
at aspire aspirate
at cave caveat
at comb combat
at conus conatus
at creed created
at form format
at lest latest
at one atone
at pent patent
at there theatre
at there thereat
ax lest laxest
ax one axone
bi form biform
by there thereby
cl one clone
cr one crone
da pent pedant
de creed decreed
de form deform
dr one drone
ed comb combed
ed form formed
ee form formee
eg lion legion
el creed creeled
en abled enabled
er comb comber
er form former
es comb combes
es form formes
es lion lesion
gi conus congius
gi lest legist
go conus congous
ha lest halest
ic form formic
id lest idlest
ik lest likest
il lest illest
in form inform
in there therein
ir one irone
iv lest livest
kr one krone
le cave cleave
le creed creeled
le one leone
lo conus colonus
ma there thermae
mo lest molest
of there thereof
og lion logion
ol conus colonus
ol form formol
on pent ponent
on there thereon
os comb combos
ot lion lotion
ot pent potent
ow lest lowest
oz one ozone
pa lest palest
ph one phone
pi one opine
pr one prone
re comb recomb
re form reform
re pent repent
rn cave cavern
rs aspire aspirers
rs cave cavers
ry comb corymb
ry one onery
sc one scone
sh one shone
so lion solion
st abled stabled
st creed crested
st one stone
ta lion talion
to there thereto
tr one trone
ul pent penult
un pent unpent
ut abled abluted
vi lest vilest
vi one ovine
yl form formyl
yl pent pentyl
zo one ozone
The above is the sorted output from
DefDbl A-Z
Dim crlf$, shortWord$(12)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Visible = True
Text1.Text = ""
crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
shortWord$(1) = "abled"
shortWord$(2) = "aspire"
shortWord$(3) = "cave"
shortWord$(4) = "comb"
shortWord$(5) = "conus"
shortWord$(6) = "creed"
shortWord$(7) = "form"
shortWord$(8) = "lest"
shortWord$(9) = "lion"
shortWord$(10) = "one"
shortWord$(11) = "pent"
shortWord$(12) = "there"
Open "c:\words\words.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, l$
If l = "crested" Then
xx = xx
End If
For i = 1 To 12
If Len(l) = Len(shortWord(i)) + 2 Then
For p = 0 To Len(l) - 2
If Left(l, p) + Mid(l, p + 3) = shortWord(i) Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Mid(l, p + 1, 2) & " " & shortWord(i) & " " & l & crlf
End If
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & crlf & " done"
End Sub
Posted by Charlie
on 2017-10-05 14:43:54 |