(In reply to
computer solution by Charlie)
In degree mode the graph of the difference between left side and right side is different in form as the square term means you can't just convert the answer in radians to degrees.
A portion of the output using degrees is:
12.925721582095 -1.16218146217761E-12
12.925721582096 -7.05407954271209E-13
12.925721582097 -2.48190357154954E-13
12.925721582098 2.08111305965986E-13
12.925721582099 6.64884813872391E-13
and the answer is between 12.925721582097 and 12.925721582098 degrees.
pi = Atn(1) * 4
dr = pi / 180
For x = 12.925721582 To 12.9257215821 Step 0.000000000001
y = sind(x) - sind(x * x)
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & x & " " & Str(y) & crlf
. . .
Function sind(x)
sind = Sin(x * dr)
End Function
Posted by Charlie
on 2018-11-15 11:35:32 |