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Thunderstorm (Posted on 2019-02-05) Difficulty: 4 of 5
The time between seeing a lightning flash and hearing the resulting thunder gives an accurate estimate of the distance to its location. During one storm a meteorologist observes 29 such flashes, and calculates the distances in miles as follows:

6.02, 3.01, 0.69, 3.38, 2.01, 4.69, 3.54, 3.67, 3.67, 4.55, 5.79, 3.72, 1.05, 3.73, 3.98, 7.28, 2.10, 2.90, 6.95, 6.18, 7.20, 4.89, 6.60, 2.53, 2.09, 1.30, 1.81, 4.75, 6.91

Assume that the cloud is circular, is not moving, and that the lightning strikes are uniformly distributed through the cloud. Determine the diameter of the cloud.

No Solution Yet Submitted by Danish Ahmed Khan    
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This is a wonderful problem (which means I am struggling with it :-) ) 
An approximation to the diameter of the cloud is max - min = 7.28 - 0.69 = 6.6 miles and that the near cloud edge is 0.69 miles away. In reality the cloud is both a little bigger and a little closer since the likelihood of a nearest and furthest edge-flash are near 0.

The solution involves 2 steps:

1) for a cloud of radius r and distance D there is a function 
prob(d) that a part of the cloud at distance "d" reports, and this is 
proportional to the arc length (opening angle theta(r,D,d) ) within the cloud at distance d.

2) A least squares fit of the data (the histogram distribution of 29 "d"s)  to the function prob(d) (a function of r and D) gives  optimal r and D. I.e., the partial derivative of the sum squared error is set to 0 to minimize the error for the best r and D.  

I have decided it is easier to simulate, make a grid of D and r and 
find the best match to the histogram in the least square sense. 
binning distances 0. - 0.5, 0.5 - 1.0 ... 7.5-8 miles gives 
0 1 2 1 3 2 2 6 1 3 0 1 2 3 2 0 which sum to 29 strikes. Note that the data is sparse. A million hits for example would give a smooth function with a well defined maximum, width and shape. We do not have that here, but instead we have small number statistics. So the analytic approach would be somewhat overkill. A simulation seems in order.  

Initial results show that having the researcher outside the cloud does not work - the histogram would not be so peaked but rather fairly uniform.  So the researcher is likely inside the border of the cloud. 

Ah, and the cloud, being a cloud, is up in the air, (duh). This helps make the histogram peak near the cloud altitude. 

Edited on February 7, 2019, 3:30 pm
  Posted by Steven Lord on 2019-02-06 16:42:25

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