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Tunneling through a mine car (Posted on 2019-04-16) |
Four safety engineers set out to inspect a newly cut tunnel through Mt. Popocaterpillar in the Andes. Each person walks at a different constant integer speed measured in meters per minute. In the tunnel there is a mine car which travels along a fixed track, automatically going from end to end at a fixed integer speed. When people board the car they may reverse its direction, but cannot change its speed.
At noon on Monday all four engineers start at the south end, while the mine car starts at the north end. The first (fastest) engineer meets the car, and takes it some distance north. The engineer gets out and continues going north, while the car resumes heading south. Then the second engineer meets the car and also takes it some distance north. Likewise for the third and fourth engineers. All the people, and the mine car, travel continuously with no pauses. The inspectors always go north. Each person enters and exits the car at an integral number of minutes.
All four engineers reach the end of the tunnel simultaneously. What is the earliest time this could happen?
| Comment 14 of 25 |
The bottom line is that my result is 36 minutes with very advanced engineering and running rather than walking, but 46 minutes with more conventional engineering. Method: I described the method in my first posting: 7 parameters (4 Engineer walking speeds, the car's speed, the duration of E1’s 1st walk and drive) together serve to completely fix the simulation. I varied these parameters to get a minimum time. I show the math here. The output (abbreviated) is here. To run the simulation I choose the very maximal ranges: Maximum tunnel length: 2 x Gotthard 57 km tunnel Maximum foot speed: 28 mph running speed Max car speed: 200 mph (like a Maglev, but in a tunnel like Musk's futuristic one for CA) Maximum time in tunnel: 20 days (Yikes. Fortunately all times are under an hour.) The program ran in a couple of hours. As the times got smaller, the tunnels, the mine car and walkers became more fantastic. For example I did not post a solution with T=34 min, because the Engineers were moving too fast. Here are possible solutions: --------- Tunnel 1: Length: 2310 m, Time: 46 minutes: car speed: 105 m/min Walking speeds: 49, 45, 45, 42, 35. E1 1st walk 15 min, Car times 1, 4, 6, 10, min -------- Tunnel 2: Length: 18564 m, Time: 36 minutes: car speed: 2184 m/min (86 mph) Walking speeds: 468 (18 mph!), 364, 182, 39 m/min E1 1st walk 7 min Car times 1, 3, 6, 8 min -------------- Incidentally, I was able to reproduce Steve H.s result for E1, E2 of 6 min. It was, in fact, very helpful to have his result for debugging this simulation - many thanks! The case of E1, E2, and E3 only (3 E's) has a minimal time of 17 min: --------------- Tunnel 1-3E: Length: 540 m, Time: 17 minutes: car speed: 60 m/min Walking speeds: 30, 28, 20; E1 1st walk time 6 min, Car times 1, 2, 5 min -------------- program:
program tunn implicit none integer Dmax,D,fsmax,csmax,cs,Trecord,Tmax, 1 fs1,fs2,fs3,fs4,ft1,ct1,ct1max,posint,nonneg, 2 irat,ihalfrat,id,iexp,texp,T2,T3,T4,ttot real xcs,xct1,ct2,ct3,ct4,xft1,xfs1,xfs2,xfs3,xfs4, 2 pin1,pin2,pin3,pin4,pout1,pout2,pout3,pout4, 3 pcc1,pcc2,pcc3,pcc4,T,rat,del Dmax = 114000 ! [meters] two times Gotthard 57 km tunnel length fsmax = 700 ! [meters/min] foot speed running at 28 mph csmax = 5000 ! [meters/min] car at 200 mph Tmax = 28800 ! [min] 20 days Trecord = 100000 ! [min] time to beat iexp=3 texp=10**iexp pcc1=0 print 2222 2222 format('Time Tunnel Car Wlk fs1 pcc1 pin1', 1' ct1 pout1 fs2 pcc2 pin2 ct2 pout2 ', 2' fs3 pcc3 pin3 ct3 pout3 fs4 pcc4 pin4', 3' ct4 pout4 ttot',/,170('-')) do 7 D = 20,Dmax id=D/texp c if (texp*id.eq.D)print*,D,' out of ',Dmax do 6 ft1 = 1,Tmax xft1=ft1 rat=D/xft1 irat=rat del=abs(rat-irat) if(del.gt.0.001)go to 6 ihalfrat=irat/2-1 do 5 fs1=4,ihalfrat xfs1=fs1 pin1=ft1*fs1 cs=irat-fs1 xcs=cs ct1max = (D - pin1)/cs -5 do 4 ct1 = 1, ct1max xct1=ct1 pout1 = pin1 + ct1 * cs T = ft1 + ct1 + (D - pout1)/xfs1 if (T.gt.Tmax.or.T.gt.Trecord) go to 4 do 3 fs2 = 3, fs1-1 xfs2=fs2 pcc2 = (ft1 + ct1) * fs2 pin2 = pcc2 + (pout1 - pcc2) * xfs2/(xfs2+xcs) if(posint(pin2).eq.0) go to 3 ct2=(D-T*xfs2)/(xcs-xfs2) if(posint(ct2).eq.0)go to 3 pout2 = pin2 + ct2*cs if(pout2.gt.D)go to 3 T2 = pin2/xfs2 + ct2 + (D - pout2)/xfs2 do 2 fs3 = 2, fs2-1 xfs3=fs3 pcc3 = (pin2/xfs2 + ct2)*fs3 pin3 = pcc3 + (pout2 - pcc3) * xfs3/(xfs3+xcs) if(posint(pin3).eq.0) go to 2 ct3=(D-T*xfs3)/(xcs-xfs3) if(posint(ct3).eq.0)go to 2 pout3 = pin3 + ct3*cs if(pout3.gt.D)go to 2 T3 = pin3/fs3 + ct3 + (D - pout3)/xfs3 do 1 fs4 = 1, fs3-1 xfs4=fs4 pcc4 = (pin3/xfs3 + ct3)*xfs4 pin4 = pcc4 + (pout3 - pcc4) * xfs4/(xfs4+xcs) if(posint(pin4).eq.0) go to 1 ct4=(D-T*xfs4)/(xcs-xfs4) if(nonneg(ct4).eq.0)go to 1 pout4 = pin4 + ct4*cs if(pout4.gt.D)go to 1 T4 = pin4/fs4 + ct4 + (D - pout4)/xfs4 if(T.le.Trecord)then c print*,'T = ',T Trecord = T print 777, T,D,cs,ft1, 1 fs1,pcc1,pin1,xct1,pout1, 2 fs2,pcc2,pin2, ct2,pout2, 3 fs3,pcc3,pin3, ct3,pout3, 4 fs4,pcc4,pin4, ct4,pout4,T2,T3,T4 777 format(f4.1,x,i6,x,i5,x,i3,x, 1 4 (i4,x,3(f7.1,x),f8.1,1x),3(i2,x) ) endif
1 enddo 2 enddo 3 enddo 4 enddo 5 enddo 6 enddo 7 enddo end integer function posint(x) implicit none integer ix real x,del posint=0 if(x.le.0)return ix=x del=abs(x-ix) if(del.gt.0.001)return posint=1 return end integer function nonneg(x) implicit none integer ix real x,del nonneg=0 if(x.lt.0)return ix=x del=abs(x-ix) if(del.gt.0.0000000001)return nonneg=1 return end
Edited on August 3, 2020, 11:22 pm
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