Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree 2n for some natural number n such that f(x)=1/x for x=1,2,3,...2n+1. What is the value of f(2n+3)?
(In reply to
Thoughts by Brian Smith)
I quickly put together this program in ubasic to compute the final summation formula from my last post.
10 for N=0 to 99
15 Sum=0
20 for K=1 to (2*N+1)
25 Term=combi(2*N+1,K)*(2*N+2)/(2*N+3-K)
30 if (K@2)=0 then Sum=Sum-Term else Sum=Sum+Term
35 next K
40 print Sum;
45 next N
When ran it calculates a result of 1.0 for all N. So it would seem that f(2n+3)=1 for all functions f(x) as described in the problem.