There are 2 lists, each of 10 words, one is the Borrower's list,
the other the Lender's list.
Borrower's list
1. chance
2. coma
3. ports
4. drive
5. change
6. people
7. vegas
8. train
9. stay
Lender's list:
1. orator
2. older
3. frigid
4. sport
5. melody
6. tube
7. toxin
8. grid
9. magic
For each of the 10 words in Borrower's list (e.g. coma):
- match a word of the same length from Lender's list, (in our example tube), such that by picking 2 letters from it (u & b) and inserting them in the same positions (2 & 3) in the 1st word selected by you a new valid word will be created.
It should denote either a color or geopolitical entity (Cuba in our case.).
Our example's solution can be thertefore coma; tube (2,3)==>Cuba
List 9 more pairs.
Hint: If solving manually - start with the short words.