Thi#s me$ssag@e* cont@ai%ns$ a sec@ret m%@es#*sa@$g$e, hid@d@en wi@th%in% it. Yo*%u ma#y enj@oy t#ryi@ng t#o so@lve$ this% p$uzz#l$e, may@be not.
(In reply to
by heather)
Why do you say that heather? This site doesn't suck. I think it's pretty fun. Anyway, if you hate it so much, why did you bother signing up in the first place?
As to the problem, I think it's insanely confusing. A few thoughts though:
1. The first two times # appears, it's in front of an s. Maybe something?
2. Maybe it's the number of times each one shows up.
# shows up 6 times $ shows up 6 times @ shows up 12 times % 6 times * 3 times...wait, each of these is a multiple of 3, 3 once, 6 three times, and 12 once. Coincidence?
Good luck with the problem!
Posted by Rob
on 2003-07-07 17:36:15 |