Thi#s me$ssag@e* cont@ai%ns$ a sec@ret m%@es#*sa@$g$e, hid@d@en wi@th%in% it. Yo*%u ma#y enj@oy t#ryi@ng t#o so@lve$ this% p$uzz#l$e, may@be not.
Just clarifying some [hopefully useful] observations:
There are five symbols that stand out: #$@*%.
These occur between letters; they do not replace letters.
The number of times that each symbol occurs are:
@=12, $=7, %=6, #=6, *=3.
The total is 34 symbols (maybe the hidden message contains 34 letters).
Posted by DJ
on 2003-07-07 18:03:37 |