Thi#s me$ssag@e* cont@ai%ns$ a sec@ret m%@es#*sa@$g$e, hid@d@en wi@th%in% it. Yo*%u ma#y enj@oy t#ryi@ng t#o so@lve$ this% p$uzz#l$e, may@be not.
The hint gives away the encryption. He says the decrypting of the title is "easy". I'll explain.
There are only 5 symbols used: @, #, $, %, * (in order which they appear on the number-row of a keyboard)
Now, consider the number of letters before each symbol, and treat it as an ordered pair (4, $), etc.
It should be noted, in addition, that there are a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 4 letters between symbols.
If we treat the symbols in order they appear on the keyboard, we could do the following: (0, @) = A, (1, @) = B, ..., (0, #) = F, ..., (0, $) = K, ..., (0, %) = P, (0, *) = U
The title has the resulting ordered pairs:
(4, @), (0, @), (3, %), (4, *)
Apply this to the problem, and you get the following message:
I never met a huckleberry pie I didn't like.
Posted by derek
on 2003-07-08 05:16:10 |