Let N be the set of positive integers. Find all functions f:N->N that satisfy the equation
fabc-a(abc) + fabc-b(abc) + fabc-c(abc) = a + b + c
for all a, b, c ≥ 2.
(Here f1(n) = f(n) and fk(n) = f(fk-1(n)) for every integer k greater than 1)
(Also note: abc is the product a·b·c and not the concatenation 100a+10b+c)
Suppose that the function G is a solution to the problem. Then so is the function G*, where G*(k) = G(k) whenever k is the product of at least three (possibly duplicate) primes and G*(k) takes on any arbitrary value when k is a prime or a product of two primes.
Edited on August 16, 2021, 9:56 pm
Posted by FrankM
on 2021-08-16 21:56:11 |