A factor graph is a graph where each node is numbered and if x is a factor of y, then x and y are connected. A graph is planar if it can be drawn on paper with no lines crossing.
1) Create a planar factor graph with nodes numbered from 2 through 23.
2a) [easy] Show that no planar factor graph is possible with nodes numbered 2 through 32.
2b) [hard] Show that no planar factor graph is possible with nodes numbered 2 through 24.
3) If the nodes are numbered 1 though n, find the largest planar factor graph and prove that n+1 is impossible.
Tip: A finite graph is planar if and only if it does not contain as a subgraph either the complete graph K5 or the complete bipartite graph K3,3.
2a: The graph of {2,4,8,16,32} form K(5)
2b: The graph of {2,3,6} to {12,18,24} form K(3,3)
1: crude ascii graph
13 19 20-----+ |
| | |
17 23 12--4-\ | |
/ |\ | 16 | |
/ | \|/ | | |
+---3---6--2--8 | |
| /|\ | /|\\---10--5
| | | \ | || \ |
| | | \|/ | +--+ |
| | 9--18 | | |
| | 22-11 | |
| 21-----7------14 |
| |